Christ With Us Always -- Part Four

Christ with Us Always
Matthew 28:18-20
Theme: All authority.
This week’s lessons remind us that Christ’s presence is what gives power to evangelism.


Faithfulness to Christ’s teachings must also involve a knowledge of the sovereignty of God. The English Bible translator J. B. Phillips wrote a book entitled Your God Is Too Small. That title, which is also a statement, might well be spoken of the great majority of professing Christians who, in their ignorance of Scripture, inevitably scale God down to their own limited and fallible perspectives. We need to capture a new, elevated sense of who God is, particularly in regard to his sovereignty. Sovereignty refers to rightful rule. So to say that God is sovereign, as the Bible does, is to say that he rules in his universe. This means that nothing is an accident, that nothing catches God off guard.

His Provision

God never asks anything of us that He has not already provided. It is a great thing when we learn this principle of God's dealings with His creatures. Do we have anything of our own to give God when He asks something of us? If we think we do, we are beside the mark and are in spiritual poverty. God's requirements are so many, so varied, and so great, that a man who tries to meet the call on his own will certainly fail.

His Provision

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"Oh happy state--to be bold"

spurgeon1.jpgI have often admired Martin Luther, and wondered at his composure. When all men spoke so ill of him, what did he say?

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


The Impulse

I have an impulse I'd like to tell you about. It is an impulse to defend myself when I am charles simeon.jpgslandered. Sometimes that impulse is appropriate as evidenced in the Apostle Paul. Other times that impulse is laden with sin.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Christ With Us Always -- Part Three

Christ with Us Always
Matthew 28:18-20
Theme: All authority.
This week’s lessons remind us that Christ’s presence is what gives power to evangelism.


The Great Commission contains four universals, each marked by the word "all"; all authority, all nations, everything (all) that I have commanded you, and always (all the days). The second of these is "all nations." It refers, as I indicated in the last section, to the universal authority of Jesus and the worldwide character of Christianity.

His Promises

Our relationship to Christ must be intensely personal. If it is not, the deepest longings of our soul can never be satisfied. Augustine prayed long ago, "0 God, Thou hast formed us for Thyself, and our hearts can know no rest till they rest in Thee." It is the personal contact with the Lord Jesus that will cause us to grow in Him. No one can thrive spiritually on mere church membership, sacraments, ritual, or formality. Stained glass windows and soft music, beautiful and permissible as they may be, will cause a soul to forget itself for a moment, and will lift the soul up aesthetically, but they cannot feed the soul that is hungry.

His Promises

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The "Well, maybe..." of Redemptive History

There is that beautiful passage at the end of the Gospel of Luke when the resurrected Jesus is on the Emmaus Road with the two defeated and depressed disciples. In that passage we are told that, "Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." As the Good Shepherd, He opened the Old Testament Scriptures and showed them not only their need for a redeemer, but showed them the pervasive promise throughout the Old Testament of this One who would come to be their Redeemer. The One they needed. The One who surpasses any proposed savior we would offer. The One who is our only hope. And all the Old Testament Scriptures point us to Him.

The Old Testament Scriptures nullify every argument we could propose for man’s redemption of himself. They are a bright neon light flashing with the message that man needs a redeemer that is wholly other.

If we go back to the Garden of Eden, all mankind fell in Adam. Well, one thinks, "Maybe the next generation will do better than Adam and Eve." But that hope is dashed to pieces as we immediately witness Cain disregard life and murder his brother Abel.

"That Gentle Kindness Which Bruises Us"

Spurgeon5.jpg"We call those things mercies which please us, ease us, suit our wants, and fall in with our cravings. Truly they are so, but not less gracious are those benefits which cross us, pain us, and lay us low.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Christ With Us Always -- Part Two

Christ with Us Always
Matthew 28:18-20
Theme: All authority.
This week’s lessons remind us that Christ’s presence is what gives power to evangelism.


The second part of Jesus’ authority is authority over spiritual forces. Jesus’ claim to have been given all authority in heaven probably extends also to what in other passages are described as principalities and powers, that is, all spiritual forces, including those that are demonic. Paul wrote about these in Ephesians 6 in his classic description of the Christian’s warfare: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (v. 12).

His Program

There are different kinds of judges. In our day the word has only one meaning—one who rules in a court and decides the merits of a case in accordance with the points of law that are involved. In the Word of God there is another type of judge. In the Book of Judges, the Hebrew word translated judge means to put right and then rule. The world is in need of this type of judge.

His Program

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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