An admittedly gratuitous cheap shot...

Jeremie - You Britts take yourselves way too seriously.

That said, I understand your sensitivity. We Americans have not always appreciated some of your more important contributions to Western civilization...
benny hill.jpg

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The Happy Christian -- Part Three

The Happy Christian
Matthew 5:3-12
Theme: Blessedness.
This week’s lessons point us to Jesus who is the fountain of all happiness.


There is a special promise to those who are meek by which they may count themselves blessed: they shall "inherit the earth." The world may think such souls fit only for the kingdom of God, like the Emperor Julian who wrote mockingly that he only confiscated the property of Christians to make them poor enough to enter heaven. But Jesus does not say that they will inherit heaven, though they will. He says that they will inherit this earth, while those who currently possess it (he implies) will lose it all. How do they possess it? They possess it as the gospel spreads through preaching and God’s kingdom comes. In the ultimate sense the meek will possess the earth when Christ returns, renews its face, and subdues all things to himself forever. In that day the saints will reign with him.

Covenantal Gut Check

Have you ever been hit just below your chest in thatsweet spot that knocks the wind right out of you? It's scary. What has reallyhappened is that your diaphragm got its clock cleaned and is now having aspasm. Until it calms down, that tight contraction leaves you gasping for air.In that moment, you are completely vulnerable.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Union with Christ and the Questions of Life

The doctrine of the believer's union with Christ is in the pages of Scripture for our encouragement, to answer life’s big questions, to propel us into worship, and to equip us for mission.

I'm the sort of person who tends to focus on different aspects of theology, life, and ministry during various seasons of study. At the beginning of last year I decided to delve into the topic of "union with Christ." I had been interested in that area of study for quite some time, stretching back to my seminary days where I listened to Dr. Douglas Kelly's lectures on this subject. More recently, I stumbled upon Dr.

Filing down the edges of our faith

Holy Trinity Brompton is an evangelical powerhouse in Great Brittan. What is more, through their well known Alpha Course, HTB is a world-wide presence. There is much to admire and appreciate about HTB and the Alpha Course. But, in my mind, the things to be concerned about are significant.

In a helpful article, Alastair Roberts offers keen insight into the nature of the big tent, low church evangelicalism being spread by HTB.

Having served a non-denominational church in the northeast I can tell you that Mr. Roberts' analysis is spot on.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


The Happy Christian -- Part Two

The Happy Christian
Matthew 5:3-12
Theme: Blessedness.
This week’s lessons point us to Jesus who is the fountain of all happiness.


"Blessed are the poor in spirit." In Luke’s version of the Beatitudes the words "in spirit" do not occur (Luke 6:20). Therefore, many have used Matthew’s version to point out that the poverty Jesus is speaking of here is not material but rather spiritual poverty. He is not praising physical privation. He is not saying that the materially poor are closer to the kingdom of God than the materially rich. What Jesus is commending is the opposite of a person’s being rich in pride.

The Happy Christian -- Part One

The Happy Christian
Matthew 5:3-12
Theme: Blessedness.
This week’s lessons point us to Jesus who is the fountain of all happiness.


If a producer of a popular movie, a director of one of today’s successful television shows, or the editor of a widely circulating news or fashion magazine were to rewrite the Beatitudes from a contemporary point of view, I suppose they would go like this: Blessed are the rich and powerful; blessed are the sexually liberated; blessed are the beautiful and handsome; blessed are the famous; blessed are those the world looks up to. This is the exact opposite of what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount. He said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit; blessed are those who mourn; blessed are the meek; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness; blessed are the merciful; blessed are the pure in heart; blessed are the peacemakers; blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness" (Matt. 5:3-10).

Carl Had to Go and Pull the Trigger

After Carl has showered us with cuddly, fuzzy, nice feelings, I feel it is my responsibility to cloud my nice image a bit.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The Most Important Overlooked Doctrine?

When the Apostle Paul said of Christ that "the death that He died, He died to sin once for all" (Rom. 6:10) he was referring to something that happened to Jesus in His death, and which subsequently has had an impact on us by virtue of our faith-union with Him. While Jesus knew no personal sin, as our representative He subjected Himself to the guilt and power of sin. When He died, He died to the power of sin's dominion. This is how we are set free from the power of sin's dominion in our lives when we are united to Him by faith. Distinct from the blessing of justification--which deals with the guilt of sin--definitive sanctification deals with the power of sin.

What is the most important overlooked biblical doctrine? Without hesitation, I would suggest that it is the doctrine of definitive sanctification.1 It was the late Professor John Murray who first articulated and popularized this doctrine. As he studied the exegetical statements of the New Testament that spoke of believers having been sanctified through the death of Christ (e.g. 1 Corinthians 1:2; 6:11; Heb.

Veith on Vocation

Given my previous post, I thought it would be a good idea to pass along a recommendation for an outstanding book on the nature of work and vocation. It is by Lutheran thinker Gene Veith and is entitled God At Work. I highly recommend this helpful book for individual reading and group discussion.

A few other helpful titles:

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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