Veith on Vocation

Given my previous post, I thought it would be a good idea to pass along a recommendation for an outstanding book on the nature of work and vocation. It is by Lutheran thinker Gene Veith and is entitled God At Work. I highly recommend this helpful book for individual reading and group discussion.

A few other helpful titles:

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No Turning Back -- Part Four

No Turning Back
Luke 9:57-62
Theme: Determinations and distractions.
This week’s lessons warn us against the great enemies of discipleship.


What was wrong with Lot's wife? It is no mystery. First, she was disobedient to God's Word given through the angels. When the angels came to Sodom with the announcement that they were about to destroy the city and that Lot and his family would have to leave, they said, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!" (Gen. 19:13, 17). Those commands were as urgent and explicit as any found in Scripture. Yet Lot's wife disobeyed them. She began by delaying. Delay then erupted into outright disobedience as she disregarded the angels' command and looked back.

Huxley was right

It appears as though our demise will be more Huxleyan than Orwellian.
brave new world.jpg

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


No Turning Back -- Part Three

No Turning Back
Luke 9:57-62
Theme: Determinations and distractions.
This week’s lessons warn us against the great enemies of discipleship.


In his classic treatment of The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer makes a careful analysis of Luke 9:57-62, in which he examines each of the excuses. He spends the most time on the third since it is most critical. When Elisha went back to burn his farm equipment and kill his oxen, it was to make that break clean and irreversible. He was a true disciple. In this case, it was the opposite. The man was clinging to old relationships and life patterns.

No Turning Back -- Part Two

No Turning Back
Luke 9:57-62
Theme: Determinations and distractions.
This week’s lessons warn us against the great enemies of discipleship.


The would-be disciple in Luke 9 was like many would-be disciples today! If a preacher comes promising a solution to life’s problems - "this world and heaven too" - they are ready to sign on with Jesus. But speak of hardships and physical deprivations, and their enthusiasm withers. Such "followers" do not follow Jesus to the end, and so they are not saved.

"My name is Todd and Arminians have been mean to me."

I'm thinking about starting a support group for Calvinists who have been mistreated by Arminians, Mennonites, Amish, Mormons, Hindus, stamp collectors, and resideJob suffering.jpgnts of New Jersey.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


No Turning Back -- Part One

No Turning Back
Luke 9:57-62
Theme: Determinations and distractions.
This week’s lessons warn us against the great enemies of discipleship.


Eight hundred years before Christ's day the prophet Elijah was led to enlist Elisha as his fellow worker and successor. He found Elisha plowing, went to him, and threw his mantle over him. Elisha immediately understood that this was Elijah's way of calling him to service, so he ran after Elijah calling, "Let me kiss my father and mother good-bye, and then I will come with you." Elijah feigned indifference. "Go back," he said. "What have I done to you?"

You Give Them Something To Eat

We are often tempted to think that the messes and needs of the world are too great to bear, so it seems to make more sense just to send the people away. But Jesus has a word for us too. He may not put a miracle in our hands. He does more than that. He has put a miracle in our hearts.

There was a time in the life of the apostles where there was an apparent disconnect between them and their Master. Jesus had called and commissioned them to join with Him in the work He was doing in the world—proclaiming the kingdom and healing those who were sick. Upon their first return from the mission field, they reported to Jesus what had transpired through their labors. While we do not know exactly what was said, we know how Jesus responded.

New Relationships -- Part Five

New Relationships
Luke 14:25-27
Theme: Priorities.
This week’s lessons remind us that we must surrender all to Jesus.


If you are having trouble with your family as a result of your attempt to follow Jesus, do not despair. Count it a temporary thing. You must follow Jesus regardless of what your family may say or do, but reason that the very fact that God has called you is an encouragement to think that he may also call them. As Charles Haddon Spurgeon once said, you may be the "spiritual decoy" to bring them into "the gospel net."

What's Your Learning Style?

Todd wrote a greatpiece challenging Donald Miller's recentpost, excusing why he doesn't go to church.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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