New Relationships -- Part Four

New Relationships
Luke 14:25-27
Theme: Priorities.
This week’s lessons remind us that we must surrender all to Jesus.


During World War I one of my predecessors at Tenth Presbyterian Church, Donald Grey Barnhouse, led the son of a prominent American family to the Lord. He was in the service, but he showed the reality of his conversion by immediately professing Christ before the soldiers of his military company. The war ended. The day came when he was to return to his pre-war life in the wealthy suburb of a large American city. He talked to Barnhouse about life with his family and expressed fear that he might soon slip back into his old habits. He was afraid that love for parents, brothers, sisters, and friends might turn him from following after Jesus Christ. Barnhouse told him that if he was careful to make public confession of his faith in Christ, he would not have to worry. He would not have to give up improper friends. They would give him up. As a result of this conversation the young man agreed to tell the first ten people of his old set whom he met that he had become a Christian.

Do not forsake the assembly

church3.jpgI was saddened but not at all surprised to read Donald Miller's recent disclosure that he does not attend a church. I was sad because one cannot be a Christian and reject Christ's body, his bride, his building. Christians are made and grown in the body of Christ.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Philadephia Conference on Reformed Theology poster


New Relationships -- Part Three

New Relationships
Luke 14:25-27
Theme: Priorities.
This week’s lessons remind us that we must surrender all to Jesus.


If Jesus is God, then the demands of his kingdom become even more radical than we have hitherto imagined. When we hear Jesus saying that we must hate our fathers and mothers, wives and children, in order to be his disciples, that seems shockingly extreme. But if he is God, it is not extreme at all. If he is God, nothing he could possibly demand could be outrageous. If he is God, we owe him total obedience and total self-surrender. Yes, even our own lives are not too much to give in his service.

Preaching Acts

One week from this Sunday I will begin preaching a series through Acts. I'm looking forward to it. The preparation has been rewarding as it is every time the opportunity comes to study and outline a book of the Bible. As is always the case, I cull through a lot of resources in the preparation time with an eye to selecting those which I will use regularly throughout the process of preaching.

The following are, for me, the most helpful commentaries I have found:

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology bulletin insert


Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology brochure


What Are We Missing In Our Worship?

A church that recognizes the depth of its sin is a church that is wading into the deep end of the Gospel of grace.

I love my church and I love gathering with God's people to worship together in our particular church. However, I also love the opportunity that vacations afford for visiting other churches. Observing how they worship, experiencing church as a visitor, sitting under someone else's preaching, and not thinking about a service that I am responsible for has, many times, challenged, encouraged, and even refreshed me.

I want answers

I knew Putin was a tough guy. Otherwise he wouldn't be constantly sending out all those shirtless pictures of himself fishing, riding a horse, washing his car, etc. But now he has gone too far. For the very manly leader of Russia to beat up a respected church historian from Philadelphia is too much.

Trueman and Putin.png

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


New Relationships -- Part Two

New Relationships
Luke 14:25-27
Theme: Priorities.
This week’s lessons remind us that we must surrender all to Jesus.


"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man's enemies will be the members of his own household' " (Matt 10:34-36). It is after this that Jesus speaks of loving a father or mother, a son or daughter, more than himself. In this context the words in Matthew are not essentially different from those in Luke.

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