New Relationships -- Part One

New Relationships
Luke 14:25-27
Theme: Priorities.
This week’s lessons remind us that we must surrender all to Jesus.


Quite frequently, when I am conducting weddings, I point out that the family is the most basic of all human institutions. The family was the first school; from the education that took place in the home all other institutions of education - grade schools, academies, colleges, and vocational institutes - developed. The family was the first hospital; healing and nursing originally took place within the home. The family was the first government; from a father’s leadership in his home came patriarchal, monarchical, and eventually democratic forms of human rule. If the family stands, society stands. If the family falls, these other forms of social achievement and order will fall with it.

Counting the Cost -- Part Five

Counting the Cost
Luke 14:25-33
Theme: Paying the price.
This week’s lessons teach us that there is no such thing as "easy Christianity."

In order to be a disciple, I must pay the price of my own understanding of life, of what it is all about, and of what ultimately matters. I must surrender my confused and contradictory opinions to the revelation of God in Scripture. I must never attempt to correct or second-guess God. But when I bring every thought into captivity to Christ, I find true liberation. As Jesus said, " will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).

Keeping it Real

Raw. Organic. Authentic. Non GMO. Verified. These are the labels we look for on our foods and, heck, some of them we want to use to describe ourselves, our pastor, and our worship services.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

About that little voice in your heart...

Phillip Cary is professor of philosophy at Eastern University and scholar in residence at good news book.jpgTempleton Honors College. One of my favorite books of 2010 is Dr. Cary's Good News for Anxious Christians.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Counting the Cost -- Part Four

Counting the Cost
Luke 14:25-33
Theme: Paying the price.
This week’s lessons teach us that there is no such thing as "easy Christianity."

It is not hard to be an outward Christian. A person can go to church once or twice on Sunday and pretend to be tolerably upright during the week. There is no self-denial, no sacrifice here. If this kind of mere outward Christianity is all it takes to gain heaven, then, as Ryle suggests, we must alter our Lord's words to read: "Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to heaven" (Matt. 7:13). We must imagine Jesus saying to the rich young man: "You can serve God and Money."

Counting the Cost -- Part Three

Counting the Cost
Luke 14:25-33
Theme: Paying the price.
This week’s lessons teach us that there is no such thing as "easy Christianity."

On what basis did the early preachers of the gospel, including the Lord Jesus Christ, call for repentance and demand a change of mind? Solely on the revelation given by God in Scripture. What Scripture condemns must be repudiated. What Scripture commends must be affirmed. No one can have sola Scriptura without paying a cost in the moral realm.

The New Cosmos Inaugurated

I've been spending some time lately in the beginning of Colossians, where Paul is sharing what he has been praying for this church. I decided to write it out as a personal prayer to God for my family, church, and for some groups of women that I will be speaking to in the upcoming season and have found it very helpful. So it was even more enlightening for me to read some highlights that G.K.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Counting the Cost -- Part Two

Counting the Cost
Luke 14:25-33
Theme: Paying the price.
This week’s lessons teach us that there is no such thing as "easy Christianity."

According to Luke 14:33 there is a cost to discipleship. A failure to see this causes some to start out on the Christian life but later fall away and perish. The cost must be paid if a person is to be Christ's disciple and be saved. What a furor this raises in some evangelical circles! It is because mention of "cost" sounds like works-based salvation, which is, of course, soundly condemned in Scripture, and evangelicals do not want the gospel to be destroyed in this manner.

Kudos to the Westminster Faculty

I am thankful to see faculty members of Westminster Seminary posting thoughtful pieces on abortion and the anniversary of Roe V. Wade. Take time to read them and pass them along:

Tim Witmer 
Bill Edgar  
David Garner  
Scott Oliphint  

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Counting the Cost -- Part One

Counting the Cost
Luke 14:25-33
Theme: Paying the price.
This week’s lessons teach us that there is no such thing as "easy Christianity."

I was talking with a distinguished doctor who was commenting on missionary practices in his area of the world. According to him, there is much valuable work being done, and the people doing it are certainly earnest and dedicated believers. But there is one thing lacking. "We want so much to win the people to Christ," he said, "that we are watering down the gospel to the point where believing in Christ hardly means anything. There is no repentance, no change of life. It is easy to become Christ’s follower."

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