Everything you ever wanted to know about a rich preacher but were afraid to ask...

If you have been hoping for a new reality show highlighting the life of a rich preacher in Texas then good news is on the way! However, if you are like me and dread the idea of yet another sad side show under evangelicalism's big top then we have Ed Young Jr. to thank, or better, blame. Actually, I blame his church.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Dying to know how rich preachers live?

If you have been hoping for a new reality show highlighting the big life of a rich preacher in Texas then good news is on the way! Ed Young Jr., pastor of Fellowship Church in Grapevine, TX is negotiating terms for a new reality show based on himself. However, if you are like me and dread the idea of yet another sad side show under evangelicalism's big top then we have Ed Young Jr. to thank, or better, blame. Actually, I blame his church.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


A Place For Truth

For any of you unaware, the Alliance recently launched another website entitled "A Place For Truth." It's definitely worth reading.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Joy to You and Me -- Part Four

Joy to You and Me
Luke 2:8-20
Theme: Rejoicing in the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that true joy is found in Christ alone.


It is true that the joy of Christmas is for everybody, but this doesn’t mean that everybody has found it. This is, after all, the joy of Christmas, which means that it is the joy of Christ. And it is, therefore, to be found in Christ and not just anyplace. If joy is unique, because it is based on or grounded in the character of God, then it must be found in God, which is to say it must be found in Jesus.

Totes Magotes

I stumbled upon an article making a prediction for journalism in 2014. Jason Kottke announces that the blog is dead. Basically, his conclusion is that "blogs are for 40-somethings with kids." Ouch!

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Joy to You and Me -- Part Three

Joy to You and Me
Luke 2:8-20
Theme: Rejoicing in the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that true joy is found in Christ alone.


It is interesting, isn’t it, that the Christmas story contains two extremes. On the one hand, there were the shepherds, the lowest of the low, to whom the angels appeared with the message and who responded joyfully. At the other extreme were the wise men, the most mighty of the mighty, who also responded when God revealed the birth of Christ to them by the appearance of the star. The appearance of the angels to the shepherds and the presence of the shepherds in the stable indicate that there is no one too lowly, too simple, too uneducated, or too disadvantaged to fail to rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Re-Humanizing of Humanity

Jesus as truly God and truly man is also truly dignified and truly frail. He is both God and the imago God. In tasting death for those who would place their faith in Him, He makes a way for sinners to enter into God’s original intention for humanity expressed in Psalm 8. If the fall of Adam is the great dehumanizing event in human history then the incarnation of the Second Adam, and His subsequent death and resurrection, is the re-humanizing of those who find salvation in him.

In December of 2013 we saw the cultural memorializing of two significant events—the first was the anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting, and the second, the death of Nelson Mandela. Both events, set in the context of death, stand in opposition to one another. One was a sad reminder of a world broken by mental illness and violence. The other was the recognition of a life lived for human dignity. And it is in that tension, between dignity and frailty, that every human on this planet lives, trying to make sense of it all.

Joy to You and Me -- Part Two

Joy to You and Me
Luke 2:8-20
Theme: Rejoicing in the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that true joy is found in Christ alone.


Mary’s joy was certainly great. Later in his ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ would speak of childbirth, and he would say that a woman, though she experiences great pain in childbirth, nevertheless forgets it and rejoices once the child is born. If that is true of nearly any child, as no doubt it is, it was certainly true in the case of the birth of Jesus Christ because this was no mere baby. If he had been, Mary would have been joyful. But this was no mere baby; this was the Savior. This is the one who had been announced to her by the angel, the one miraculously born. And so Mary’s joy certainly exceeded the joy of the others.

In which I clear up everything regarding Phil Robertson

Okay, so that's an exaggeration. But as I have read the many commentaries offered by various evangelicals on the Phil Robertson flap I cannot help but wonder if some of the discussion confuses categories. Some, while in sympathy with Robertson's view that homosexuality is sin, are scandalized by his, shall we say, "earthy language." Same sex attraction requires more sensitivity and nuance, we are told. It is a complicated matter. And indeed it is. But same sex attraction is not what Mr. Robertson was addressing.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


The Trustworthy Word

As the most recent meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society made clear, the battle over the trustworthiness of the Bible is far from over. I recently posted some resources that have been helpful to me in my ministry as a pastor in helping those I serve to understand and embrace the doctrine of the Scripture's inerrancy.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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