Birth of the Savior -- Part Five

Birth of the Savior
Luke 2:1-20
Theme: Paradoxes of the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that the good news of the Gospel is for everyone.


In the third place Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Now that is a little bit beyond mere amazement. You can be amazed at something that doesn’t have a whole lot of content. It doesn’t go much further than that. But it did go further than that with Mary. Mary heard these things and she knew what the angel had told her. She also knew what the shepherds had told her. A little later the wise men came with their story. She took all these things and she mulled them over in her heart, and thought about them and pondered them. And that is a great way to celebrate Christmas - to meditate upon these things, asking yourself in the sight of God what they mean and what they mean for you personally.

Birth of the Savior -- Part Four

Birth of the Savior
Luke 2:1-20
Theme: Paradoxes of the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that the good news of the Gospel is for everyone.


People might think, "Oh, if the angels came to earth to speak to anybody, it ought to have been to Caesar, or it ought to have been to Quirinius, or perhaps it ought to have been to the Jewish authorities, the priests." No, that is not what God did. God gave this glorious announcement to these men who were out in the fields with their sheep. The experience that they had was not even shared by the parents of the child. It is true that an angel had appeared to Joseph to tell him how to name the child. And the angel had appeared to Mary with the annunciation. But they didn’t hear the angels sing. They didn’t hear that great announcement: "Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord."

My Obligatory Favorite Books List

Admittedly, the "My Favorite Books Of The Year" posts are a bit self-indulgent. But personally, I like to read people's favorite books lists. So, with the expectation that at least my parents and in-laws will be mildly interested I offer the following list of my favorite books from this year. One qualifier is in order - Not all the books on this list were published this year.

Biblical Studies / Doctrine:

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Birth of the Savior -- Part Three

Birth of the Savior
Luke 2:1-20
Theme: Paradoxes of the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that the good news of the Gospel is for everyone.


Jesus Christ comes as the Son of God, the one who by his very presence exposes and condemns our sin. He comes as the Savior who says, "Come unto me that you might have life." He says, "I am the way to the Father." And people don’t want that message today any more than they wanted that message then. We get sentimental at Christmas, and people are inclined to say, "Oh, yes, certainly we would receive the Christ," but as a matter of fact they don’t, unless God by his grace first of all does a work in their hearts to open them to receive him.

Birth of the Savior -- Part Two

Birth of the Savior
Luke 2:1-20
Theme: Paradoxes of the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that the good news of the Gospel is for everyone.


As Luke begins to tell the story, there is a certain progression downward from the important people of the world to those who, in the eyes of the world, were not very important at all. It begins right at Luke chapter 1, verse 1: "In those days Caesar Augustus..." Caesar Augustus was the man who had brought peace to Rome... And so when Luke begins his story by saying, "In those days Caesar Augustus...," he begins right at the top.

Birth of the Savior -- Part One

Birth of the Savior
Luke 2:1-20
Theme: Paradoxes of the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that the good news of the Gospel is for everyone.


Birthdays are very happy times. For that reason we generally try to remember the birthdays of close friends. With children you just cannot forget them because they will remind you. When we get older we are supposed to be too sophisticated to remind people about our birthday coming. But we are always pleased when they remember. Of all the birthdays that are remembered, however, there is probably no birthday that has been remembered more faithfully by more people over a longer period than the birthday of Jesus Christ.

The Ugh and Ahh of Repentance

When we confess our specific sins to our forgiving Lord we’re depriving our future unbelief of ammunition. We are keeping a short account of sin with the Lord and a long account of His grace. Every time we confess a specific sin and claim God’s promises of forgiveness we are declaring loudly that Jesus is not just a general savior for general sinners but our savior for our particular sins.

Almost everything about Jesus’s encounter with the Samaritan woman is unexpected. That Jesus, a Jewish male, is engaging a Samaritan woman in conversation is unexpected and unthinkable. That Jesus, a Jewish teacher, wants to offer eternal life to this religious polyglot is bewildering. That Jesus, holy and sinless, spends time with a woman with as much relational baggage as she has betrays a significant but veiled moment in the making.

Christmas in Eden -- Part Five

Christmas in Eden
Genesis 3:4-6, 13-15, 20
Theme: God gives the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that God’s plans cannot be thwarted.


John Gerstner summed up this great struggle like this: "Satan was majestically triumphant in this battle. He had nailed Jesus to the cross. The prime object of all his striving through all the ages was achieved, but in reality he had failed. While Satan was celebrating his triumph in battle over the Son of God, the full weight of the atonement accomplished by the crucifixion came down on him. And he realized that all this time, so far from successfully battling against the Almighty, he had actually been carrying out the purposes of the all-wise God."

Christmas in Eden -- Part Four

Christmas in Eden
Genesis 3:4-6, 13-15, 20
Theme: God gives the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that God’s plans cannot be thwarted.


This struggle between Satan and God’s beloved Son is evident throughout the life of Jesus. Probably the devil worked upon Joseph at the very beginning to suggest that Mary was pregnant by another man, and that he should therefore expose her. However, we are told that Joseph planned instead to put her away privately, but nevertheless to turn away rather than provide the protection that God put Joseph into the story to do. It required an angel to come to Joseph. God intervened so Joseph would take Mary under his wing and protect her from the kind of things that would be said and done if she were exposed in that manner.

Christmas in Eden -- Part Three

Christmas in Eden
Genesis 3:4-6, 13-15, 20
Theme: God gives the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that God’s plans cannot be thwarted.


What God has said here in Genesis 3 is that he is giving a divinely established struggle between the woman and her descendants and Satan. We are terribly depraved, but we don’t automatically assume that Satan is right. That is a blessing that results from the warfare that goes on. We have a fallen spirit within, and that is why we are in dreadful danger all the time of being drawn after Satan - because that within us inclines in his direction. But, you see, it isn’t wholehearted, and there is a struggle involved even when we sin as sinners.

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