James and Justification: Which Court?

As we navigate through the pages of Scripture, we must be ever careful in our efforts to come to an understanding about the “less clear” portions of Scripture. We must gives ourselves to a prayerful consideration of the context. We must study the details of the Old Testament examples picked up in New Testament exposition. We must labor to understand the way that words are used. We must always try to find a resolution based on the more clear passages of Scripture.

I have often taken comfort in the fact that the Apostle Peter said that Apostle Paul wrote “some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures” (2 Peter 3:15-16).  I don’t take comfort in this as a license for misinterpreting Scripture; rather, I take comfort in the fact that even an Apostle did not find everything in Scripture easy to interpret or understand.

Is it Really That Simple?

Many of us talk about simplifying our lives. When we stop to think about how many choices that we make in one day, it's exhausting. A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a friend who lives in Dubai. She was joking around about all the choices Americans have even in the marshmallow isle.

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Christmas in Eden -- Part Two

Christmas in Eden
Genesis 3:4-6, 13-15, 20
Theme: God gives the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that God’s plans cannot be thwarted.


It is not surprising that we find a prophecy of Jesus in the Old Testament. But what is surprising is how gracious this is. Here is God speaking in grace in the context of the judgment, and I want you to remember that about Christmas. Christmas is God’s grace to people who deserve his judgment. Now what this verse speaks of is enmity. And it speaks of this enmity, or warfare, on three levels–between Satan and the woman, and presumably all human beings; between his offspring and hers; and then, finally, a conflict between the woman’s great descendant Jesus Christ and Satan himself.

Christmas in Eden -- Part One

Christmas in Eden
Genesis 3:4-6, 13-15, 20
Theme: God gives the promise.
This week’s lessons teach us that God’s plans cannot be thwarted.


Our focus this month is on Christmas, and I want to begin by saying that if the birth of Christ is the center of the Word of God, together with his death and resurrection, then we should expect to find it everywhere throughout the Bible. Now we do find it in Revelation 12, but we also find it as early as Genesis 3. As I say, we should expect to find it throughout the Bible. And yet when we turn to Genesis 3 to find the prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ there, it is, nevertheless, surprising because this is not a pleasant scene.

Is the Law Our Greatest Enemy?

We live in days when God’s law is often regarded as humanity’s greatest enemy. We’re not surprised when an unbelieving world longs to burst God’s “bands” and cast away His “cords” in the unbridled pursuit of “liberty” (Ps. 2:3). What is surprising, however, is when Christian voices are attacking God’s Law and portraying it as the Christian’s greatest enemy too.

We live in days when God’s law is often regarded as humanity’s greatest enemy. We’re not surprised when an unbelieving world longs to burst God’s “bands” and cast away His “cords” in the unbridled pursuit of “liberty” (Ps. 2:3). What is surprising, however, is when Christian voices are attacking God’s Law and portraying it as the Christian’s greatest enemy too.

The Path of Service -- Part Five

The Path of Service
John 13:13-17
Theme: Foot-washing.
This week’s lessons teach us how to encourage one another and share each other’s burdens.

At times we must speak words that sound harsh to the one who has to hear them. It is difficult to speak such words. But more often, it is our privilege to speak the words of comfort the Bible contains. We may have to speak of sin. But we can always also speak of God’s grace and forgiveness. We can tell our brother, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). We can assure him that, if he has confessed his sin, God has already forgiven it for Jesus’ sake.

The Path of Service -- Part Four

The Path of Service
John 13:13-17
Theme: Foot-washing.
This week’s lessons teach us how to encourage one another and share each other’s burdens.

We must bear one another’s burdens. The Bible is able to express the whole work of Christ for us as bearing our burdens: "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows" (Isa. 53:4 KJV). So it is not surprising that it can describe the whole of the Christian life as bearing the cross and admonish us to "carry each other’s burdens," saying, "and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ" (Gal. 6:2).

The Path of Service -- Part Three

The Path of Service
John 13:13-17
Theme: Foot-washing.
This week’s lessons teach us how to encourage one another and share each other’s burdens.

We must help one another. The desperation people have in needing to talk to someone is not always merely their desire to be heard, although that is important in itself. It is also often the case that they need help, and so their speech is really a cry for assistance. We will find that if we stop to listen to people, their needs will come rushing to the surface and we will have infinitely more to do than wash their feet. There will be people to feed, thirsty ones to whom to give a drink, naked people to clothe, lonely people to visit, sick and dying persons to care for, and so on for a host of other needs and obligations.

Thanksgiving and the Supremacy of Christ

Two weeks ago I visited a ministerial colleague and friend in hospice. He was days away from entering eternity to be with Christ and is now with Christ. For just under a year he battled cancer. In that short time he went from receiving a clean bill of health to lying in a hospice bed in great pain. Through it all he gave thanks to God. Two weeks ago he could not speak without great labor. But what he did say, I pray, will never leave my mind. As I walked into the room and stood next to him, he said, “Thank you for praying, Jesus does all things well. Jesus does all things well.” He repeated these words before I left. It was the shortest message this minister preached. And given the circumstances, his best.

Two weeks ago I visited a ministerial colleague and friend in hospice. He was days away from entering eternity to be with Christ and is now with Christ. For just under a year he battled cancer. In that short time he went from receiving a clean bill of health to lying in a hospice bed in great pain. Through it all he gave thanks to God. Two weeks ago he could not speak without great labor. But what he did say, I pray, will never leave my mind. As I walked into the room and stood next to him, he said, “Thank you for praying, Jesus does all things well.

The Path of Service -- Part Two

The Path of Service
John 13:13-17
Theme: Foot-washing.
This week’s lessons teach us how to encourage one another and share each other’s burdens.

Jesus served us by leaving heaven, taking on a true human nature, teaching, and then dying on the cross for our sin. We cannot do that. So we must ask, "How can we serve others? In what way must we demonstrate the servant nature of our master?" I suggest the following.

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