How Worship Should Be Done -- Part Five

How Worship Should Be Done
Revelation 4:1-8
Theme: Reverence for holiness.
This week’s lessons teach us the appropriate way to approach the Almighty.

The fullest worship is with others and with the entire creation. Should we worship God individually? Of course we should. When you read the Bible and pray, and in your own times of Bible study, you should be worshiping God; you certainly want to respond to his teaching by praising him for it - it's a glorious Gospel of grace. But we mustn't forsake the worship of God with others, either, because there’s something in the corporate worship of God by the assembled people of God that is right, enhanced, and beneficial - especially beneficial because the worship of others keeps us on track.

The Skeptic

A good many years ago, commenting upon this habit of some unbelievers, a Scotsman said, "It is very easy to solve an insoluble problem if you begin by taking all the insoluble elements out of it. And that is how a great deal of modern thinking does with Christianity. Knock out all the miracles; pooh–pooh all Christ’s claims; say nothing about Incarnation; declare Resurrection to be entirely unhistorical, and you will not have much difficulty in accounting for the rest; and it will not be worth the accounting for. . ."
We have never found an honest skeptic. Some men claim to be honest skeptics, but before probing very deep the truth comes out. If a man is an honest skeptic he will soon cease to be a skeptic. A man might claim to be a skeptic about the multiplication table, but if he were an honest skeptic, he would soon learn that six times seven are always forty–two… and his honesty would lead him to certain definite fixed conclusions, and he would find himself no longer a skeptic. With the dishonest skeptic, it is quite another matter. If you ask him to count out the eight times seven to see for himself, he will add a piece from his pocket or do away with a piece to make the answer come out according to his preconceived bias.

Image previewThe Skeptic

"This is the condemnation; that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil" (John 3:19).

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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The King Declares War

In the twenty–second to thirty–second verses of Matthew twelve, we are faced with one of the greatest contrasts in the Bible. God Almighty arrays Heaven and Hell in one scene and lets us look at the two. He demonstrates that His ways are not our ways and that His thoughts are not our thoughts. We see that His ways and thoughts are, indeed, above ours, as the heavens are high above the earth.

Image previewThe King Declares War

“But if by the Spirit of God I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”  (Matthew 12:28)

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

How Worship Should Be Done -- Part Four

How Worship Should Be Done
Revelation 4:1-8
Theme: Reverence for holiness.
This week’s lessons teach us the appropriate way to approach the Almighty.

So we come to the question that I raised at the beginning: How should worship be done? In both of these chapters the song of the seraphim is echoed by the praise of the elders who represent the church. They add to the praise given to God the Father at the end of chapter 4, and they join with the four living creatures in chapter 5 and in the final praise chorus (verse 13). They're the last persons mentioned in these two chapters. "And the elders fell down and worshiped" ( chapter 5, verse 14). So there are patterns, particularly. And the question is, how do they worship and do we worship as they do?

Victorious Justice

For at the same moment that our Lord took the measure of the Pharisees and withdrew from them, He also announced that the days of His humility would not last forever. The evil heart of man will take advantage of the one who does not strive or cry, and whose voice is not heard. The world has learned to call the tempered steel of the sword of the Lord "softness," simply because He does not flash its cutting blade as the world would do in His place. But listen to these words that at the same time strike terror and bring joy: "A bruised reed shall He not break, and smoking flax shall He not quench, UNTIL . . ." Ah! So there is to be an end of His patience! He shall not act in full strength "until He send forth judgment unto victory." Listen to those two words: judgment, victory. They sound out like the ringing of a death knell, or they peal forth with the joy of the wedding. It all depends where you stand in relation to this Man, the Christ of God. You must have Him in one of these two ways—judgment or victory. We thank God that we know forever just what our situation is with reference to this Man. He has taken our judgment, that is past forever. There is nothing left for us but His victory. You can know this too.

Image previewVictorious Justice

"…until He send forth judgment unto victory., and in His name the Gentiles shall have hope." (Matthew 12:20, 21)

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

How Worship Should Be Done -- Part Three

How Worship Should Be Done
Revelation 4:1-8
Theme: Reverence for holiness.
This week’s lessons teach us the appropriate way to approach the Almighty.

The second thing John talks about here in Revelation 4 are twenty-four thrones and the twenty-four elders. There are countless theories about who these elders are. It seems to me that they represent the entire people of God. In the Old Testament there were the twelve patriarchs of Israel, the fathers of the Jewish nation; in the New Testament there were the twelve apostles representing the people of the new dispensation. It probably is something like that. Furthermore, they have white robes, which signify their holiness, because they’re now in glory.

At Just The Right Time

The Christian church was born into the world at just the right time. One would almost think a sovereign God orchestrated history so that these secondary causes would be present for the spread of Christianity. As Christians, we can not only think such, we can confess such. Emphasizing secondary causes in God's role of spreading Christianity (or any other action) does not take glory away from God, rather it reinforces that He does receive His due glory.

Christians believe in a sovereign God who has all power, all authority, and who governs all. He is active. He does not sit idly in heaven and allow His creation to slip into chaos. He directs all things, governs all things, and sustains all things. This world and everything in it moves at His command. The church began with a few dozen or so individuals whose leader was crucified as a criminal. The disciples enjoyed no position or prestige.

From Bruised Reed to Sweet Music

Every member of the human race has the trait of destruction within him, but the Lord Jesus Christ did not have this trait in His being. His was the strong tenderness of the Creator God. He did not lift up His hand to hurt nature, so we know that we may approach Him in the most implicit confidence. The slightest roughness would quench the smoking flax, but the Lord Jesus will blow the feeblest light to flame.

Image previewFrom Bruised Reed to Sweet Music

"A bruised reed shall He not break and smoking flax shall He not quench." (Isa.42:3)

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

How Worship Should Be Done -- Part Two

How Worship Should Be Done
Revelation 4:1-8
Theme: Reverence for holiness.
This week’s lessons teach us the appropriate way to approach the Almighty.

When John is caught up into heaven and passes through the door, he sees the throne of the Almighty. That word "throne" occurs seventeen times in these two chapters, and about forty times overall in the Book of Revelation. It introduces a magnificent scene. I invite you to try to begin to visualize it in some way.

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