Seen & Heard Archives

Why These Books and No Others?

What was once accepted in academia – Who wrote the New Testament? Who is Jesus? Why these books and no other? – is no more. And as the framework of scholarship has shifted, doubt about the authority and clarity of Scripture has led many in the Church to question. 

The 2016 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology addresses the topic of canon head on.

03/31/2016 - 2:27pm

We Are Family!

How does family relate to the Church and its grander mission (even the Great Commission!)? What constitutes a family, how does it reflect the image of God and … what about singles? Listen to today's Mortification of Spin for good, helpful advice and great reminders delivered with the customary MoS spirit.

03/30/2016 - 10:55am

Remembering Jerry Bridges

As many have reported, Jerry Bridges has been called home by the Lord. He was a much loved speaker at the Alliance’s Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology. After a career of campus ministry and a writing career on holiness, he was able to personally connect with Alliance members in a remarkable fashion that has become a standard of Alliance events. We know you will miss his teaching style as much as we will. So we would like to make the following messages for your edification - and I am sure Jerry would suggest for your holiness!

03/10/2016 - 5:57pm

Election Year at Place for Truth

How should Christians act and speak in the midst of this loud and divisive political season?  While websites devoted to politics and news give you the latest buzz, polls, and minute-by-minute analysis, you will find Place for Truth slightly different, dare I say refreshingly different. 

03/03/2016 - 5:44pm

Meet the Puritans, where the dead still speak (Heb. 11:4)

The purpose of Meet the Puritans is to introduce the theology and piety of the Puritans to a new generation so they may be filled with love for Christ and His Church. Stop by and subscribe today!

02/02/2016 - 6:11pm