The Shepherd Leader



The Heart of Shepherding — Relationships


Why We Fail at Church Discipline






When Dr. Tim Witmer awaited the release of The Shepherd Leader, a book that represented his heart for ministry, he did not expect the impact it would have. It sold out within the first few days, and P&R Publishing rushed to fill the demand.

Leaders, pastors, and authors have found the book essential to understanding pastoral ministry. Kevin DeYoung read it and wrote for The Gospel Coalition,

"I read Witmer's book in one sitting. I found it that engaging and helpful. This is 'practical theology' at its best: applying biblical principles to contemporary pastoral needs. His grid for knowing, feeding, leading, and protecting the sheep through macro public ministry and micro private ministry is simple and compelling. If you can read this book and not be motivated to develop a more effective shepherding ministry in your church, you might want to check if you are called to shepherd in the first place."

The book has now been translated into Korean, Russian, Indian, English, Chinese, and most recently Spanish. Dr. Witmer enjoys the opportunities he has to present the materials of the book to church sessions, conferences, and presbyteries. 


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