His Power

His Power

A well-known biologist spent his whole life studying a beetle. To the one who knows little about these things it seems impossible that there should be enough in such a tiny animal to occupy a brilliant mind for a lifetime. But when this man had come to almost the end of his lifetime of study, he stated that he had made a mistake in taking a beetle as his unit of study, that he should have confined himself to the wing of a beetle!

We should never tire of the thought of God's power. Our minds can go out into the limitless distances of space and wonder at the infinitely great, or turn to the jostling life which appears to us under the lens of the microscope, and everywhere find the manifestation of God's power. "Great is our Lord, and of great power; his understanding is infinite" (Ps. 147:5).

But as great as is God's power in these things, we see its climax neither through the telescope nor under the microscope, but in one great act, the resurrection of Christ. All the words for power in the Greek language are used in Ephesians 1:19, 20, in speaking of this greatest exhibition of what God can do. "And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead . ." Resurrection is always an exhibition of power. When Elisha, speaking for God, called the son of the Shunammite back to life, when the Lord Jesus turned back the forces of death and raised the widow's son, the daughter of Jairus, and Lazarus, it was a mighty work of God's power. But the resurrection of Jesus Christ was more than the resurrection of a dead man. It was the act which was an answer to His death for our sin. He died under the condemnation of God, for He was bearing our sins. But in His death, God finished His dealing with the sin question, and was able to raise Him from the dead, because the full force of His wrath against iniquity had been spent. His resurrection showed that He had paid the full price of the penalty of sin, and that the condemnation was finished.

There is also a power that flows from His resurrection itself. We who believe are united in Him, and we share in His resurrection life. From Him, the resurrected one, comes power. Nothing that can touch us is outside the reach of this power, the power of the knowledge of Christ and of His resurrection. All of God's might and authority and strength is put at the demand of the feeblest of His children who have come to Him through the resurrected Son. It is ours, if we simply take what is offered us through Him.

1. How is the power of God manifest in your daily life? List some things that point to the beauty of God’s power in your life. (Ex. salvation, sanctification, relationships, etc.)
2. What other aspects of the resurrection would manifest the power of God, aside from reversing the curse of death and bringing Christ back to life?
3. If we are called to be like Christ, how do Christians live in the power of God? How do our lives manifest the power of God?