His Trinity

His Trinity

The word Trinity is not found in the Bible, but the truth of this doctrine is in every part of the Book. Though Christians have been talking about and believing in the Trinity for two thousand years, there are many Christians who cannot name the persons in the Trinity correctly. As a result of this error certain cults have an easier time gaining a foothold in some minds which are not established in the truth.

This thought came out of a statement of the Russelites (who call themselves "Jehovah's Witnesses") who deny the doctrine of the Trinity, holding that Christ was a created angel. The Russelites quoted the passage in Timothy (1Tim. 6:16), and said that only God had immortality. A young Christian was confused and asked us about this verse.

We answered by asking him to name the persons of the Trinity.

He replied, "God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit." Immediately we saw the root of his confusion. He had not put the second and third Persons of the Trinity in the place which is rightfully theirs. We answered, "No, you are wrong! If you are going to begin with God, then you must say that the members of the Trinity are God, God, and God. This is the only possible way of being correct in the matter. The Trinity is (not are) God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit."

We should be careful not to think of God as being only the Father and as being distinct from the Son and the Spirit. God is the Son, and God is also the Spirit, but the Father is not the Son, and the Father is not the Spirit.

1. Would salvation still be possible if God was not triune?
2. Is believing in the trinity necessary for salvation?
3. If so, are Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons Christians?
4. It has been said that the doctrine of the trinity is the most important doctrine the Christian church teaches, is that true? Why?