Set in Safety

Set in Safety

A friend recently asked what I felt was my greatest spiritual need. I replied that I was conscious of very many lacks but that I felt that one of my greatest was to know more of the Word of God in order that I might know Him better. My friend was astonished, saying that he knew I had lived my life within the horizons of the Bible and knew a great deal about it. I replied that I knew enough to know how much more there was to know, and that I sometimes felt like a man who had been running for a long distance - chest heaving, lungs pulling for more oxygen. It is possible to long after God with such panting.

In answer to this need there is a great promise.

There is a verse in the King James Version which is meaningless because the translators could not compass the Hebrew, but which is luminous in the more modern versions. In Psalm twelve we read, "For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise,' saith the Lord. 'I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him a useful instrument; he was hidden in the Lord's quiver, under the shadow of His hand, so that when an instrument was needed, he was available for the Lord's purposes.

1. What can you do daily to feed yourself more on the word of God?
2. Have you become so dependant on the word of God, you hunger when you do not find the proper nutrients?
3. What does this say about the doctrine of inspiration?