
There is terror in the Bible as well as comfort. Some time ago a woman asked a Christian friend what warrant there was for saying that there would be some people who would not be in heaven. Why would not everyone be saved? The Christian gave an astonishing answer, but one which is perfectly valid. She replied that John 3:16 was the greatest proof that there were people who would be lost.

The inquirer was amazed and answered that she had learned John 3:16 when she was a little girl and had always thought of it as the great gospel verse. The Christian replied that it did have magnificent glories in its depths, but that it also had in it the most terrible word in the English language - perish. "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish . . ." Then there are those who will perish; there is a terror that lies before some souls. The Lord Jesus was given by the Father in order to save men from perishing.

In the hot sands of Egypt archaeologists have discovered thousands of documents that have come down to us from the times of the New Testament. These papyri give us great insight into the meaning of the New Testament vocabulary of the original language. One interesting find was a nursery rhyme that was composed of lines each beginning with a succeeding letter of the alphabet. The whole rhyme concerns the story of the loss of a garment. In the middle of the poem is the Greek word that is used in John 3:16 for "perish."

leon ho aras
moros apolesas

"a lion he was who took it, a fool who lost it."

We know that the Lion of the tribe of Judah brought salvation to us by dying on the cross. Whosoever believes in Him shall not be lost- and surely He was right when He called the rich man a fool for thinking of new barns for bigger crops instead of thinking of his eternal state. He was a fool indeed, and he perished because of it.

It is hard to write this without weeping. Why is it that men will persist in folly when it will take from them everything that they desire? How senseless is the course that leads a man to perdition. If you are a believer in Christ you are responsible to warn those who are on this course - but oh! Do it in love.

1. What are some ways that you can work your schedule or regular life to minister to lost more?
2. Does evangelism just require preaching? Why or Why not?
3. “preach the gospel, and if necessary use words” is the statement being made by this quote true? Why or why not?