The Kingdom Within

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"The Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21).

There are those who claim that the Kingdom of God is within the hearts of all men.  There are some very broad, liberal interpretations of the Scripture which seize upon the famous phrase, "The Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21).  They would try to make it mean that the Kingdom and power of God are to be found within the hearts of men, and that all that is necessary is to appeal to this highest element within man.  Such an idea is palpably nonsensical.  In the first place, Jesus said these words to a group of His bitterest enemies, the very men who later crucified Him.  The true translation is, "The Kingdom of God is in the midst of you," or "among you."  It is the same idea that He gave when they accused Him of working through the power of the devil.  "No," was His answer.  "The work I am doing is the proof that I am the Messiah. Heaven’s King is in the midst of you.  This is the power which you see at work."

"Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).  Do not think that because you know the plan of salvation in your mind that you can put off letting it come down into the heart.  One of the saddest conditions of which we have ever heard is that of a man in an asylum who continually recites Bible verses.  These words of life echo back and forth in the porches of his ears, but the promises no longer reach into the center of the will.  We must not forget that it is in one of the latest of the epistles that the Holy Spirit speaks of those who are "past feeling."  They have rejected God for so long that He has rejected them. It is a terrible thing to be given up by God.  If there is the slightest concern within your being over your spiritual state, you can know that you are not beyond the reach of salvation.  If a man is really concerned because of his lost estate there can be but one reason for that, concern: it is because the Holy Spirit is still speaking to him, convincing him of sin.  Therefore, leave the folly of your rejection.

"He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathers not with Me, scatters abroad."  Who is this Man, Christ Jesus?  Devil or God?  There is no other possible verdict.  The issue is clear-cut.  You must take your position with Him or you remain in your sin, dead, and under the necessary wrath of God.

Dr. Barnhouse’s warning is clear.  You MUST decide for Christ.  “If procrastination were merely the thief of time it would not make so much difference.  But procrastination is the thief of eternity.”

Further Reading: Luke 17:21-30