When you leave school in the afternoon you usually start for home, don't you? And when supper time comes, or bed time, you do not make a mistake and go to the house of some neighbor, thinking that it is yours! Just so believers and unbelievers have homes, and when life here is finished they will go to their own homes. But those homes are very different. One of them really isn't a home at all, for home is a lovely and loving place, and this place is everything that is not lovely and loving. But it is the place where some people must go, for it is where they belong. 

Unbelievers cannot pray to God as their Father—in tact, they cannot pray to Him at all. Christ said, “No man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6). But believers can come to Him without any fear. He is not far off, some great majestic king, of whom you need to be afraid. He is your Father. Little boys and girls in the streets of London may be afraid to speak to the king, but you may be sure that the two little princesses have no such fear. So, though God is very great, He is our Father, and we can speak with Him just as freely as we would with our earthly father.


Supposing Mary Brown should go to Ruth Jones’ father, and say to him, "Daddy, will you please give me some money for church” What do you think Mr. Jones would say? Perhaps he would think that Mary was still half asleep! Anyway, he would know that she had made a mistake in calling him Daddy. Not everyone can speak to your father as Daddy. He is your father, and the father of your brothers and sisters, but he is not the father of all your friends, too!

In your school there are many grades, and in each grade there are many different classes of pupils. Perhaps some are bright, and some are rather stupid; some are pretty and some are homely, some are strong and well, and some are often sick. But when God looks down at your school, or at any other group of people in the world, He does not pay any attention to these classes, but divides all the people into just two groups, those who are believers and those who are unbelievers. If we could build a long, long fence, and gather all the people in the world together, we could put all of them either on one side of the fence or the other. No one could be sitting on the fence, for there is no such thing as being half believer. It is very important to know on which side of the fence you are, for believers have many wonderful things, and unbelievers have many terrible things.

Before Satan is finally cast into eternal punishment, he is going to make one more great try to secure all this earth and its kingdoms for himself. He is going to send a man to help in this work, who will be a very powerful servant of his.