A good word from a Reformed Baptist

Tom Chantry, a Reformed Baptist, has written a helpful and timely post concerning the practice of closed communion and whether or not Presbyterians should actually be treated as brothers and sisters in Christ. Check it out HERE.

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Jesus, the True and Greater Gardener

Jesus is the second Adam undoing what Adam did and doing what Adam failed to do (Rom. 5:12-21; 1 Cor. 15:47-49). He is the Heavenly Bridegroom, entering into His sufferings in a Garden for the redemption of His bride, the Church. He is the Heavenly Gardener, giving Himself to the cultivation of the souls of His people through His atoning sacrifice and continual intercession. When He hung on the cross, He spoke of Glory under the name of "Paradise"--an evident allusion to the paradise in which our first parents dwelt and the paradise from which they fell. He is the second Adam who, by the shedding of His blood, secured the New Creation. As we consider the double entendres of the fourth Gospel, we come to those specifically concerning the biblical theology of the second Adam in the Garden.

The Scriptures tell us that the Son of God began His sufferings in a Garden and brought them to a close in a Garden. That is an absolutely amazing display of God's wisdom. After all, Jesus is the second Adam undoing what Adam did and doing what Adam failed to do (Rom. 5:12-21; 1 Cor. 15:47-49). He is the Heavenly Bridegroom, entering into His sufferings in a Garden for the redemption of His bride, the Church. He is the Heavenly Gardener, giving Himself to the cultivation of the souls of His people through His atoning sacrifice and continual intercession.

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6 Ways to Benefit from Reading Genealogies

The genealogies in Scripture are so important that it may rightly be said that we cannot fully see the glory of the metanarrative (i.e. the storyline) of the Bible without them.

Most Christians inwardly, if not outwardly, groan when they arrive at a genealogy in their Bible reading. This is a shame. The genealogies are wonderful and I love studying (not just reading) and preaching them.  They are compressed histories of God’s faithful and loving dealings with his children, and, of his war against Satan. The genealogies in Scripture are so important that it may rightly be said that we cannot fully see the glory of the metanarrative (i.e.

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I Dedicate This One to Todd

Sometimes a woman is just plain better for the job. It all depends on how you spin it:

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The Homophobic Bogeyman

I've noticed a theme lately in some of my reading in blogs, magazines, and books. Basically, guys can't have close, dare I say vulnerable, friendships with other guys or they will lose their man card. 

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The Time and Manner of Family Worship

Establishing a habit of family worship begins with a willing heart, and there are many helps and tools to make worship God-honoring and effective. It need not be complicated. Start with a simple plan and set aside a little time, and watch family worship build into a family tradition that helps both children and parents walk with the Lord on all the days of the week.By the way, family worship can still be a blessing where only one parent is interested or able. A mother or father can gather the children together to worship the Lord together as a smaller group--after breakfast, before bed, after dinner--even if a spouse is not inclined to lead. Ultimately, we must leave it to the Lord to shepherd our families and bless our efforts to instruct them and enjoy him.

In the first post in this series we briefly considered the heart of family worship. In this post we turn our attention to the timing and manner of family worship.


The Timing of Family Worship

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Martin Bucer: Carer of Souls (Part 1)

We need pastoral manuals--books of pastoral theology and practice--that help us put the T (i.e. Theology) into the PT (i.e. Pastoral Theology).This has long been a part of the Christian tradition, as theologians, following the lead of Paul to Timothy and Titus, crafted epistles and manuals on pastoral practice.

When ministerial candidates are examined for licensure and ordination in the Nashville Presbytery, it is a given that they will need to produce a robust articulation of the life and theology of the Martin of the Reformation (that often ostentatious Augustinian monk, Martin Luther. 1483-1546).

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Biblica Hipsteria

Finally, a Bible for those of us who have not gone mainstream. It is a Bible that is for us who wear tight plaid shirts and sport handlebar mustaches.

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Can Facebook Really Ruin Your Marriage?

There's an article being circulated from ABC News that exposes Facebook as a growing factor in divorce cases.

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Why Not Sin?

As a Christian, why not sin? We could give a myriad of answers to that question. However, the best answer is supplied by Paul in Romans 6. Paul could have talked about the misery that sin brings, the pain that it inflicts upon others, the consequences which flow from it, or the penalty that Christ had to pay for it. But that is not where he first turns. He wants Christians to understand that we cannot easily entertain sin, because of our identity.

As a Christian, why not sin? We could give a myriad of answers to that question. However, the best answer is supplied by Paul in Romans 6. Paul could have talked about the misery that sin brings, the pain that it inflicts upon others, the consequences which flow from it, or the penalty that Christ had to pay for it. But that is not where he first turns. He wants Christians to understand that we cannot easily entertain sin, because of our identity.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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