8 Tips on How to Talk to Your Kids About the Sermon

They sit there next to you and their feet don’t even hit the floor. You’re thinking, “What, if anything, of this sermon is sinking into my kid’s head?” And with that little thought you’ve already decided not to engage with your child about the sermon. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

They sit there next to you and their feet don’t even hit the floor. You’re thinking, “What, if anything, of this sermon is sinking into my kid’s head?” And with that little thought you’ve already decided not to engage with your child about the sermon. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Let me introduce you to the most important rule when talking to your kids about a sermon: They retain more than you think they do. The second most important rule is like it: They understand more than you think they do.

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The King's Business

The King's business often requires slowness. That may be the opposite of what you have been taught by the tradition of men, but that is what the Word of God teaches. If you rub your eyes at this statement and say that your memory surely serves you well that "the king's business requires haste" is a Bible quotation, you are in error.

The King's business often requires slowness. That may be the opposite of what you have been taught by the tradition of men, but that is what the Word of God teaches. If you rub your eyes at this statement and say that your memory surely serves you well that "the king's business requires haste" is a Bible quotation, you are in error.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Battered Pastors (5)

In this, may final post in the series, I am picking up where I left off in part 4...

4. Devote time to reading works by and about battered pastors.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


True Ambition

Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "Wherefore we labor, that whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him" (2 Cor. 5:9). Brookes translated it, "Wherefore we make it our aim, whether at home or absent, to be well-pleasing to him." Rotherham translates it, "Wherefore also, we are ambitious, whether at home or away from home, to be well-pleasing to him." The emphatic Diaglot renders it, "Therefore we are very ambitious, whether being at home or away from home, to be acceptable to him."

Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "Wherefore we labor, that whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him" (2 Cor. 5:9).

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

4 Characteristics of Earnest Preaching

I have always been drawn to those who can speak with creativity and with conviction. This was true before my conversion, and is especially true today. Since my conversion, I find myself hungering to hear the word preached. When it comes to preaching, there are two basic things that I want to hear from a preacher: the word of God and earnestness. If he doesn’t bring the word of God, he has nothing to say. If he isn’t earnest, I’m tempted to not believe him. As I evaluate my own preaching, and coach other preachers, I find that earnestness is one of the areas that needs the most attention. A man’s earnestness in preaching is often the hand that grips the hearer and brings him along side the preacher to the truth proclaimed.

I have always been drawn to those who can speak with creativity and with conviction. This was true before my conversion, and is especially true today. Since my conversion, I find myself hungering to hear the word preached. When it comes to preaching, there are two basic things that I want to hear from a preacher: the word of God and earnestness. If he doesn’t bring the word of God, he has nothing to say. If he isn’t earnest, I’m tempted to not believe him.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

God's Second-Chance Men

The Word of God has a great deal to say about second chances. This does not mean that any man is to have a second chance of salvation, after death has removed him from earth's scene. The Bible distinctly says in John 8, "If ye die in your sins, whither I go ye cannot come, and if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sin." This shows us that the issues of eternity are settled in this life.

The Word of God has a great deal to say about second chances. This does not mean that any man is to have a second chance of salvation, after death has removed him from earth's scene.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The Work of the Enemy - Part Four

THEME: Pervasive Evil
These parables show the subtlety of Satan is evil.
Matthew 13:31-33

Today let's look at the reasons why I classify these parables with the parable that tells of the devil's work. First, the growth of a mustard seed into a tree is abnormal. That is, a mustard seed does not grow into a tree; it grows into a shrub. Anyone to whom Christ spoke would know that. So when he spoke of the great and unusual growth of this seed, his hearers would immediately have been alerted to the fact that something was wrong. If Jesus had wanted to stress the "victorious church" view, he should have referred to an acorn growing up to be an oak or a cedar seed growing up to be one of the mighty trees of Lebanon.

Playing God

One of the most dangerous things within the bounds of Christendom is the tendency to play God for others. I pass over the organized efforts to be God and guide for all people, such as is found in Roman-ism, to concentrate on the tendency found among many fundamental Christians. Examine yourself. Do you ever have the thought that someone is not quite as good a Christian as yourself because he does not share your opinions on such matters as amusements or cultural practices?

One of the most dangerous things within the bounds of Christendom is the tendency to play God for others. I pass over the organized efforts to be God and guide for all people, such as is found in Roman-ism, to concentrate on the tendency found among many fundamental Christians.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The Work of the Enemy - Part Three

THEME: Pervasive Evil
These parables show the subtlety of Satan is evil.
Matthew 13:31-33

The next two of Christ's parables (vv. 31-33) belong together. Each should help us to understand the other, but of all the parables Christ told, none has produced such diametrically opposed interpretations as these two. What are those diverse interpretations? On the one hand, some teachers see these as parables of the kingdom's expansion and growth, so that in time it actually comes to fill the whole world. An example is William M. Taylor, who has left us an excellent book on the parables. He writes of the story of the mustard seed: A great result from a small beginning, a large growth from a little germ - that is the one thought of the parable, and of that the Lord declares that the kingdom of heaven upon the earth is an instance.

Dependence on God

Crowds can be very dangerous. I am not speaking of riots, or accidents of stampeding crowds, but of common ordinary crowds, moving lazily or briskly along the sidewalks, occupied with business, shopping, or pleasure. The very existence of a crowd has a tendency to dull the sense of our dependence upon God. It is somewhat like the little girl in an old story

Crowds can be very dangerous. I am not speaking of riots, or accidents of stampeding crowds, but of common ordinary crowds, moving lazily or briskly along the sidewalks, occupied with business, shopping, or pleasure. The very existence of a crowd has a tendency to dull the sense of our dependence upon God. It is somewhat like the little girl in an old story.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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