Teaching Pilgrim's Progress

I am in Houston for my first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. I may or may not have more to post on this experience later.

The reason for this post is to highlight an exciting new resource from Great Commission Publications (GCP). For those of you who don't know, GCP is the publishing ministry of both the PCA and OPC. They are known for producing excellent reformed curriculum. Interestingly, some of GCP's largest clients are baptist churches, but that is a topic for another day.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


The First Great Christian Institution - Part Four

Ephesians 5:21-33
Theme: Marriage.
This week’s lessons teach us that when the institution of marriage crumbles, society crumbles.

If this battle is to be won, it is going to have to be done by a change in attitude as we see ourselves as Christians, not here primarily to satisfy ourselves or be happy or fulfilled, but rather to be obedient servants of Jesus Christ. Fortunately, in our time there are a number of evangelical writers who are being raised up by God to oppose this trend. And I mention them for you...

The Home of the Redeemed

Man has a great need for rest. The body will die without the proper rest in sleep; the mind will crack without proper relaxation; the spirit is forever dead until it comes to rest in God. In these days of restlessness and hurry it is very necessary that the Christian know where his resting place is, and that he flee there for quiet, rest, refreshment, and strength for his daily tasks.

Man has a great need for rest. The body will die without the proper rest in sleep; the mind will crack without proper relaxation; the spirit is forever dead until it comes to rest in God. In these days of restlessness and hurry it is very necessary that the Christian know where his resting place is, and that he flee there for quiet, rest, refreshment, and strength for his daily tasks.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The First Great Christian Institution - Part Three

Ephesians 5:21-33
Theme: Marriage.
This week’s lessons teach us that when the institution of marriage crumbles, society crumbles.

Pat Williams, who was the general manager of the Philadelphia 76ers NBA basketball team, and who has written a marvelous book on the revitalization of his own marriage, called Rekindled, said to me on one occasion, "Jim, what is happening? Every week, it seems to me, I hear of another prominent marriage breaking up." He said that to me in a week in which a popular and very influential woman evangelical writer and lecturer had left her husband to go off with a man who had worked for a Christian publisher. It’s a good question: what is happening? What is happening is that marriage is in trouble as it has been in no previous time, at least in American history.

What is Your Reading Level?

Did you know that the average adult reads between a 7th and 9th grade level? And studies show that we like to read two grades below our reading level for entertainment. Well I have a daughter going into the 7th grade, and one going into the 10th this fall. They are intelligent girls and all, but my 38-year-old self would be insulted if I had to stop at their reading level.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Portable Strength

Many Christians have expressed the regret that they could not carry the high moments of a convention or the spiritual grip of a communion service back into the life of school, office, store, shop, factory, or home. The difference between the daily round of life and the climax of a spiritual assembly comes from a profound truth that is revealed in the Word of God.

When Pope Gregory left the monastery to assume the Papacy, he lamented that he was "borne ever onward by the disturbance of those endless billows" and that he had almost lost sight of the port which he had left. There was much difference between the quiet of the monastery and the turbulence of the throne that dominated Europe.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The First Great Christian Institution - Part Two

Ephesians 5:21-33
Theme: Marriage.
This week’s lessons teach us that when the institution of marriage crumbles, society crumbles.

When we’re talking about this portion of Ephesians 5, we’re therefore talking about that which is basic in God’s plan for the human race and that which is of the utmost importance to our own well-being. And yet in spite of the fact that marriage is the first and most foundational of all human institutions, marriage is under attack in our day as it perhaps has never been in recent history, nowhere else and at no prior time. This is so intense, so pervasive, so insidious that one has to conclude that it’s not merely a matter of human failure or selfishness, as we might sometimes think to be the case, but rather something demonic, something that flows not merely from human failure but from that great spiritual warfare that is going on in this world between the forces of God, on the one hand, and those of Satan, on the other.

Fixed Purpose

It is necessary for us to have a fixed purpose if we are to do that which is well pleasing to our Lord and Master. There are too many Christians who seem to live and move by whim instead of by the will of the Lord. They are not steadfast to their tasks in life. Let us draw an illustration from the nature of the Scotch shepherd dog. If he is left to guard his master's coat, for example, he will not leave it until the master returns. Nothing can draw him from the task to which he was appointed.

It is necessary for us to have a fixed purpose if we are to do that which is well pleasing to our Lord and Master. There are too many Christians who seem to live and move by whim instead of by the will of the Lord. They are not steadfast to their tasks in life.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Eric Alexander's Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Rev. Dr. James M. Boice

The enormous privilege of being a pastoral intern with Phil Ryken at historic Tenth Presbyterian Church afforded me many other undeserved and exciting experiences. One of the most special of these experiences was the opportunity to help Linda Boice--Dr. Boice's widow--break down her husband's library that had continued to remain in the church office seven years after he went to be with the Lord.

The enormous privilege of being a pastoral intern with Phil Ryken at historic Tenth Presbyterian Church afforded me many other undeserved and exciting experiences. One of the most special of these experiences was the opportunity to help Linda Boice--Dr. Boice's widow--break down her husband's library that had continued to remain in the church office seven years after he went to be with the Lord. In that library I stumbled across a number of old Keswick magazine's with printed talks by Rev. Eric Alexander--the long time pastor of St.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

The First Great Christian Institution - Part One

Ephesians 5:21-33
Theme: Marriage.
This week’s lessons teach us that when the institution of marriage crumbles, society crumbles.

The second half of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (chapters 4 through 6) deals with the Christian life. This is Paul’s pattern in his letters: first, doctrine, then application. The second half of this section of Ephesians deals with relationships. The Christian life does not consist solely of the relationship of the individual to God, but it also always involves relationships to other people as well.

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