Friday: God's City

Theme: Depending on the Lord in All Things

In this week’s lessons, we consider the difference between the City of God and the city of man.

Scripture: Revelation 21:1-2

We also have to raise questions about the use of our money and other resources. We're going to have to ask how our money should be used? How much should we really use on ourselves? How much is going to be necessary to do the Lord's work? How much are we going to use for the benefit of other people?

Finally, let me say that the people of God need to be distinct in one other area, and that is in our visible dependence upon God. We who know the power of the Almighty are going to have to make it clear that we depend upon him. Certainly, he has given us talents, gifts, wisdom, and insight, and we want to use those in his service. But in the ultimate analysis these are not enough to do the job. They are not even enough to keep ourselves personally on the right track, let alone a church, or to transform a culture. We're going to have to let it be known that we depend upon God, as we pray, search the Scriptures, and ask for his leading in all the things that we do. What are we called to be? The Lord Jesus spelled it out clearly in the Sermon on the Mount. He said that Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Salt, he said, is worthless if it loses its savor, that is, if it loses that which is distinct to salt. And if we lose what is distinct to ourselves as God's people, we are worthless so far as the work of God in the world is concerned.

How are we the light of the world? We must shine in the midst of the darkness. The world is not light. The world thinks it's light, but it's not light. Its values and how it approaches all of life is the darkness of hell. It's only as we have the light of the Lord Jesus Christ shine on us and reflect from us to the world, that the world has any hope of spiritual illumination. God grant that we his people do that in our age and to his glory.

Study Questions:

  1. Why is the proper use of our money and resources a particular problem for Christians living in affluent cultures?
  2. List the last distinction given in our study? Why can it sometimes be difficult to put this into practice?

Application: How can you be the salt and light Jesus wants you to be in your community?


Think and Act Biblically from James Boice is a devotional of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. It is supported only by its readers and gracious Christians like you. Please prayerfully consider supporting Think and Act Biblically and the mission of the Alliance.