By looking at the Lord's name Jehovah, we have already learned that the Lord is our hope and that he remains faithful forever. What else can we learn? 

In yesterday’s study we looked at the first warning seen in verses 3 and 4, which is the warning not to value others more than we value God. In today's study, we take a look at a second warning in this passage. 

As we noted in yesterday's study, there are a number of important things we can learn about worship. To begin, we noted that worship is work and worship must engage our minds. Let's look at two more points about worship. 

Roy Clements, the pastor of Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge, England, has a sermon on these last psalms in which he observes that there are three words that are understood in every language on earth: Amen, Hallelujah, and Coca Cola. Amen we know, and Coca Cola we know. But these psalms all begin and end with hallelujah. What does hallelujah mean? 

In the earlier psalms we have studied the writers' griefs, shames, sins, doubts and fears. We have witnessed the people of God in their defeats and victories, their ups and downs in life. We have encountered rebellious words and struggling faith. But all this is behind us now. In these final psalms every word is praise.