Love of the Scriptures led these believers also to love one another, which meant that they had genuine unity as God's people. The most important thing about them, both individually and as a community, was their devotion to the teaching. But because of it, they cared for one another. They even shared their material possessions and gave generously to all who were in need. 

When we pass beyond the Gospels to the book of Acts, the history of the early church, we find that Jesus' prayer, which we read in yesterday's study, was answered in the community that formed in Jerusalem after his resurrection and ascension. It is written of that church, “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). 

Where does unity come from, then? And can it be found again once it has been lost? We have already seen that unity comes from God, and the answer to the second question is that it can be rediscovered and reestablished, but only as men and women get outside of themselves and submit their own selfish individualism to a higher and more worthy cause than self-indulgence. 

In today's study we continue our look at the points Psalm 133 makes about unity.

This short poem is so beautiful in its classic celebration of unity and community that it is almost a pity to analyze it. Some literary treasures die slow deaths by dissection. Still, it is worth looking at a few of the more obvious points the psalm makes about unity. There are four points that are hard to miss.