We have seen in John 6 that Jesus is the source and sustainer of life. But we must add to this that Jesus will fill us with abundance of spiritual life only as we give some of what we have received to others. We come to Christ for filling, but we must share some of what we have received if we are to receive more at His hands. 

We must not leave this request for our daily bread without pointing out that we need spiritual nourishment also. This is the third point. We need to feed spiritually on God. 

When we say that this prayer is a simple prayer for the things that we have need of every day and that God invites this type of praying, certain great truths emerge from it. 

Now if you are saying, as some people do, "But how can I know that God is willing to answer my requests for life's necessities?" the answer is that Jesus Himself taught that God was willing. In fact, He taught it in the very next chapter of the Sermon on the Mount in a passage that is actually the best possible commentary on this petition in the Lord's Prayer.

One of the first great lessons that a Christian must learn about prayer is to put God's interests first. After that there comes the area of our own interests—our work, families, homes, friends, finances, and other things. These are also important, and not only to us. What about these interests? Are we also to pray about them? The Bible says, "Yes." Moreover, it teaches us that we are to pray again and again for each one.