In Thibet everyone prays. But they do not pray as we do. Some have a little prayer written out and put into what looks like a baby's rattle, except that the top part goes round and round as they swing it. They believe that every time the prayer wheel turns the prayer is repeated to their idol. People carry these prayer wheels with them all the time, and keep them turning around all the time. Is this true prayer? Of course not. We know that idols can neither see nor hear nor speak, nor have they any power. They cannot answer prayer. In Old Testament times when a great many of God’s people were worshipping the idol Baal, Elijah the prophet gathered all the nation to Mt. Carmel. There the priests of the idol built an altar, and laid a sacrifice on it. Elijah did the same. Then the priests prayed to their idol to send fire to burn the sacrifices. All day long they prayed, but of course there was no answer. Then Elijah prayed, and immediately God answered with fire, and the sacrifice was burned. This showed that God is the true God and that idols are nothing at all.

It was the Lord Jesus Himself Who told His disciples that He was their shepherd. He explained in John 10:1-11 that He was the door of the sheep, and that He would give His life for them, so that all that believed in Him might be saved. Then He went on to tell them more about His shepherd work.

The Good Shepherd died for His sheep; the Great Shepherd cares for His sheep. Is there anything more that the Lord Jesus, as our Shepherd, can do for us? The Word of God tells us another name for Him, that shows us another great work He is going to do. He is called the Chief Shepherd. If you turn in your Bibles to 1 Peter 5:4, you will read what God has to say about the Chief Shepherd. "And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” The Chief Shepherd is the One who is coming.

The Good Shepherd died for His sheep. The Lord Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Is He dead now? The answer is in another name of the Lord Jesus. He is not only the Good Shepherd, but the "Great Shepherd," for death could not hold Him. After three days He rose from the dead, and today He is alive, and will be for evermore. There is a verse that tells about this. In Hebrews 13:20-21, we read, “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight.” So you see that though He died, He could not be held by death, but God raised Him for another great work which He was to do for His sheep.

In the days when the Lord Jesus lived, there were many flocks of sheep in His country. The shepherds led them to pasture day by day, and took very good care of them. You remember that David the great king of Israel was a shepherd boy. It was not an easy task to be a shepherd, for in those days there were many wild animals, bears, lions, and wolves, as well as robbers, who would harm the sheep, and even kill them. A good shepherd would never let anything happen to the sheep. He would rather die first. You remember that David had to kill a bear and a lion, when he was taking care of his sheep.