If you wish to open a lock, you must have the right key. You may have | a whole bunch of keys, but if none of them fit the lock, you might as well have none at all. There is one key, and only one that can open the door of salvation. The name of the key is Faith. You may have hundreds of other keys called Good Works, but not one of them will open the door.

We use our faith every day of our lives. Even people who say they have no faith use it, for it is something we could not get along without. When you drink your milk you have faith that the milk is good and will not make you sick. When you cross a bridge you have faith that it will hold you up. When you ask a policeman the way, you have faith that he knows. When you get into your bed, you have faith that it will hold you up.

Some animals are very intelligent indeed. They can learn to do many things. Some dogs are trained to lead blind people safely through the city streets, stopping when they see a red traffic light, and going on when it turns green. It seems as though they know almost as much as men. There is a difference, though, between the most intelligent animal in the world, and the most stupid man, for animals do not worship any God and men always do, whether they worship the true God, or idols. Animals do not worship anything at all.

You would not like to go to a zoo if all the doors of the cages were opened and the lions and tigers and leopards and hyenas were allowed to go loose. They would immediately begin to fight and kill one another and everything else in sight. But when they are in the cages they can do no harm. They are kept from harming anyone by the iron bars of their cages.

There is an old story of a princess who had a little pig for a pet. She kept it in her room with her, and every day it was washed and had a fresh ribbon tied around its neck. She trained it very carefully, trying to teach it to be clean. One day when she had trained it for a long time, she took it out for a walk with her. All went well until they came to a mud hole, when, in spite of his pink ribbon, the little pig jumped right in and began to wallow around, happier than he ever had been before in his life. The princess was very sad, but a good fairy appeared, and told her she would make the little pig love to be clean. She would take away his pigs heart and give him the heart of a deer. A deer is a very clean animal, and so the pig, with his new heart would love to be clean, and would never wallow in the mud again.