The word Trinity is not found in the Bible, but the truth of this doctrine is in every part of the Book. Though Christians have been talking about and believing in the Trinity for two thousand years, there are many Christians who cannot name the persons in the Trinity correctly. As a result of this error certain cults have an easier time gaining a foothold in some minds which are not established in the truth.

With God nothing is impossible. When our hearts lay hold on that fact and feed on it until our souls have absorbed it, we will know a great personal blessing. The hymn writers of the centuries have found this to be true, and have given us a series of word combinations that are unique in our language. They show how souls in search of spiritual food have found all- sufficient supply in the Lord and His grace.

Remind God of His entire responsibility. This is the advice of a devotional writer in commenting on the cry of Asa (2 Chron. 14:11 ASV), "Lord, there is none beside thee to help." There are things that God must do, simply because we cannot do them ourselves. That is why our security, day by day, must come from God. "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you. . . having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" (Gal. 3:1, 3).

Years ago in Scotland a simple fisherman was bound by strong drink; on too frequent occasions he took the money from his catch and spent it on liquor while his wife and children suffered miserably. They lived in a little hovel off at the end of the fishing village, out of sight of most of the villagers. But one day there came a great change. Old John, as he was called, came to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. There was an immediate transformation. He brought his full money home and gave it to his astonished wife. He worked more steadily, and soon they had more money than they had had in years.

God never asks anything of us that He has not already provided. It is a great thing when we learn this principle of God's dealings with His creatures. Do we have anything of our own to give God when He asks something of us? If we think we do, we are beside the mark and are in spiritual poverty. God's requirements are so many, so varied, and so great, that a man who tries to meet the call on his own will certainly fail.