Three Cheers for a Bit of Back and Forth

Actually, I was sort of hoping Paul and I would disagree so sharply that a series of angry and increasingly sarcastic posts would follow, thus upping our readership. Alas, it does not appear that such a deep disagreement has occurred. But there is always time my friends.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Why and How to Study the Bible

Why and How to Study the Bible

It is not unusual in our day for men and women to have a low view of the Bible. Many persons, including professors of theology and ministers, feel that the Bible is man’s word about God rather than God’s word about man and so devalue it. Therefore, it is necessary to speak as Christ did, stressing the divine origin of the Bible and pointing out its supernatural characteristics.

It is not unusual in our day for men and women to have a low view of the Bible. Many persons, including professors of theology and ministers, feel that the Bible is man's word about God rather than God's word about man and so devalue it. Therefore, it is necessary to speak as Christ did, stressing the divine origin of the Bible and pointing out its supernatural characteristics.

Christian Sins

There is no doubt of the fact that Christians often indulge in sin. God has told us that if any of us deny the existence of the old nature we are deceiving ourselves, while if we admit the presence of the old nature but believe that the incurable sins are curable, "we make him a liar, and his word is not in us" (1 John 1:8, 10). Those two searching statements found in the First Epistle of John are like the darkest of settings to bring out the precious stone of grace that lies embedded between them.

Christian Sins

Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age -- Part Four

Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age, Part 1
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: The Christian mind.
This week’s lessons teach us how Christians should think.

The best critique of Western materialism that I know of is from a former citizen of the Soviet Union, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, now exiled. It is in an address he gave to the graduating class of Harvard University in 1978. Solzhenitsyn declared, "Should someone ask me whether I would indicate the West such as it is today as a model to my country, frankly I would have to answer negatively.... Through intense suffering our own country has now achieved a spiritual development of such intensity that the Western system in its present state of spiritual exhaustion does not look attractive."

A pushback on the pushback

I was a little puzzled by Paul Levy's gentle disagreement with Rick Phillip's strong disagreement with Tim Keller's assertion that our ministries ought to be measured by their fruitfulness. I think I understand why Paul is not interested in the old school/new school divide within the American reformed tradition. I assume those categories have little or no usefulness in Europe.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Born-Again Rascals

One of the characters in Lanterns on the Levee, a popular novel that was once on the best-seller lists, asks a minister why so many good church members are rascals six days a week. The minister's reply is that it is because they have been born again! They are sure of salvation, so they can do anything they want to do. Such doctrine, needless to say, is far from the Biblical truth. Paul answered that same charge, for it was being made as long ago as his time. "What then, shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid!" (Rom. 6:1), and he answers, "How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?"

Born-Again Rascals?

One of the characters in Lanterns on the Levee, a popular novel that was once on the best-seller lists, asks a minister why so many good church members are rascals six days a week. The minister's reply is that it is because they have been born again! They are sure of salvation, so they can do anything they want to do.

Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age -- Part Three

Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age, Part 1
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: The Christian mind.
This week’s lessons teach us how Christians should think.

Another thing the doctrine of revelation will mean for us is that we will not back down or compromise on moral issues. You know how it is, whenever you speak out against some particularly bad act. People are likely to attack you personally, saying things like, "You'd do the same thing if you were in her situation" or "Do you think you're better than he is?" We must not be put off by such attacks.

A Spiritual Family Tree

What does your family tree look like? I am not so concerned about your biological family tree. Frankly, that is of very little interest to me. I'm interested in your spiritual family tree. From where did you come spiritually? Who shared the faith with you? And who shared the faith with them? If you are a believer, you are in a long line dating all the way back to Abraham. But even more importantly, what does your spiritual family tree look like going forward? What growth is budding off of your branch?

What does your family tree look like? I am not so concerned about your biological family tree. Frankly, that is of very little interest to me. I'm interested in your spiritual family tree. From where did you come spiritually? Who shared the faith with you? And who shared the faith with them? If you are a believer, you are in a long line dating all the way back to Abraham. But even more importantly, what does your spiritual family tree look like going forward? What growth is budding off of your branch? This is Asaph's concern in Psalm 78.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Black and White

A magazine article, in discussing the techniques of making moving pictures, pointed out that sorrow, misfortune, or difficulty must be shown in black and white, never in color. If coolies laboring in China are shown in color, the background is so beautiful that the viewer gets the idea that their life is one of romance and prosperity. Only when the scene is shot in black and white are the squalor and misery seen for what they really are.

Black and White

Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age -- Part Two

Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age, Part 1
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: The Christian mind.
This week’s lessons teach us how Christians should think.

If there is a God, that very fact means that there is literally such a thing as the supernatural. "Supernatural" means "over," "above," or "in addition to nature." In other words, God is. God exists. He is there, whether we acknowledge him or not, and he stands behind the cosmos. In fact, it is only because there is a God that there is a cosmos, since without God nothing else could possibly have come to be.

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