Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age -- Part One

Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age, Part 1
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: The Christian mind.
This week’s lessons teach us how Christians should think.

As believers we need to reject the world’s thinking and begin to think as Christians. This is what the Apostle Paul is writing about in our text from Romans 12:2: "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." This means not that our thinking is to be determined by the culture of the world around us but rather that we are to have a distinctly different and growing Christian world and life view.

Pleasant Curse?

Martin Luther was a zestful man, and at the table often spoke words that he would have revised carefully before putting into writing. Friends and acquaintances recorded many of these utterances, some of which have been greatly misunderstood. One day he flung out a sentence which may seem absurd on the surface but which will stand close examination. "The curse of a godless man," he said, "can sound more pleasant in God's ears than the hallelujah of the pious." On the surface the remark seems blasphemous; illustrate it and it becomes plausible, possible, and even certain.

Pleasant Curse?

Can A Man Admire A Beautiful Woman Without Sinning?

A couple of years ago, I read the book  When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography for review. Reading that book has lead me to think more about this word addiction as it relates to sex and pornography.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

A Word for the Discouraged

Discouragement. Fear. Doubt. These three harbingers of anxiety may not have been Paul's “thorn in the flesh” but for most of us they remain as constant reminders of a fallen world still in need of mending. At the same time these negative emotions give us ample opportunity to look to our God of grace who wastes no suffering, but uses it instead to grow us in ways we would have never chosen for ourselves.

Discouragement. Fear. Doubt. These three harbingers of anxiety may not have been Paul's “thorn in the flesh” but for most of us they remain as constant reminders of a fallen world still in need of mending. At the same time these negative emotions give us ample opportunity to look to our God of grace who wastes no suffering, but uses it instead to grow us in ways we would have never chosen for ourselves.

At least that was Paul’s experience at Corinth (Acts 18:1-17).

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

A theology of the body for teens (and the rest of us)

David Murray has written a great little post entitled "Body Theology for Teens." Parents, this would be a helpful discussion starter with your children.

 Here is a sample:

5. Protect: As the believer's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), you should care for it better than you would your own home or even the White House. Defend your body by avoiding substances that damage it and experiences that can deface, injure, or even kill.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


This Mindless Age -- Part Five

This Mindless Age
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: Christ’s call to think.
This week’s lessons teach us our responsibility to be thinking Christians.

This week we've looked at different ways that "the pattern of this world" eases its way into our worldview. And this is the point at which we also need to talk about genuine mind renewal for Christians, which is what I will continue with next week. But I want to mention a helpful little book by John Stott, the Rector Emeritus of All Soul’s Church in London. It is titled Your Mind Matters.

Praying for Patience

A young man came to George Goodman of England one day and said, "Mr. Goodman, I wish you would pray for me that I might have patience." Mr. Goodman answered, "Yes, I will pray for you that you have tribulation." "Oh, no, sir," the young man replied, "it is patience that I want." "I understand," said the Bible teacher, "and I will pray for you that you may have tribulation.”

Praying For Patience

The most important book of the year?

I don't know Kevin DeYoung. As far as I know I don't owe him any money. I'm not writing a book so I'm not expecting him to give me a cover blurb. I have never received a free copy of any of Kevin's books. I have never been to Michigan. I think I have covered all my bases.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


This Mindless Age -- Part Four

This Mindless Age
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: Christ’s call to think.
This week’s lessons teach us our responsibility to be thinking Christians.

Sadly enough, "the pattern of this age" weaves itself into even apparently spiritual things. This is especially true in many religious television programs. Religion is on television chiefly in an entertainment format. With the possible exception of Billy Graham, who has an international following quite apart from the television medium, and some other teaching pastors, the religious television stars are mostly entertainers. Even televised church services contain their requisite musical numbers and pop testimonies, just like variety shows on secular television.

The Minister and the Murder

A literary review in the London Times Literary Supplement complained that American writers of detective stories do not keep to the proper rules of the game. "In the traditional English story the author - unless without a sense of craftsmanship - does not have the murder done by a clergyman; he does not extract skeletons from the cupboards of those who are to live happily ever after; within the limits of the genre his characters observe the conventions of their social position to the point that where they disregard them they are marked down as suspects. But in the American story, spotting the culprit is more difficult because anybody may have done anything."

The Minister and the Murder

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