God's Formula for Great Giving - Part Five

God’s Formula for Great Giving
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Theme: Generosity.
This week’s lessons teach us that giving is a matter of the heart.


This is what Christian people need to do. If people today would really give themselves first to the Lord, they would give their time, their money, and everything else to one another. And the work of God would go forward in our day in ways that we could not possibly imagine. This is what Paul says to the church at Corinth. They gave, but like so many, they started well and did not continue. Paul pointed to the Macedonians as a great example of those who not only gave but desired to give. In verse 11 he encouraged them to keep it up, to finish the work, and carry it through to the end.

God's Formula for Great Giving - Part Four

God’s Formula for Great Giving
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Theme: Generosity.
This week’s lessons teach us that giving is a matter of the heart.


At this point, you may be thinking that you are just not up to that sort of giving. But if that is the case, you have to read on because Paul not only gives a great formula for giving, but he gives the secret to that kind of giving, again using the Christians in Macedonia as an illustration. He wrote in verse 5, "And they did not do as we expected." They expected the Macedonian churches to give something, but they just did not give as expected. "They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will."

God's Formula for Great Giving - Part Three

God’s Formula for Great Giving
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Theme: Generosity.
This week’s lessons teach us that giving is a matter of the heart.


The reason Paul encourages his readers to give is that when we look to our resources, we really are trusting human ability. And whenever we are trusting human ability, we are trusting that which is inevitably finite and incomplete. Even our trust is sinful. But what happens with the measure of trust we have - if we take a small portion and give it away to the Lord? He will give the increase. When we give out of our poverty - we are not trusting what we have, because we have nothing - we are trusting God to see what he will provide for the extension of his kingdom in the world.

God's Formula for Great Giving - Part Two

God’s Formula for Great Giving
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Theme: Generosity.
This week’s lessons teach us that giving is a matter of the heart.


We read in the Book of Acts that the Christians at Antioch sent money to Jerusalem. Paul collected money as he traveled into Macedonia and into Greece proper. He refers to the one trip several times where, together with representatives of the Gentile churches, he went to Jerusalem to present this great offering. I suppose Paul thought of this as a testimony to the great unity of the Christian church. That is because here was a true, common brotherhood of those who had been born again and were brothers and sisters with Jesus Christ, showing a family concern for one another. So as Paul is writing to the Corinthians, he encourages them to give.

God's Formula for Great Giving - Part One

God’s Formula for Great Giving
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Theme: Generosity.
This week’s lessons teach us that giving is a matter of the heart.


I suppose thousands of sermons have been preached on what the Lord Jesus Christ gave up in order that we might be saved. And thousands upon thousands more have been preached on our great spiritual blessings in Christ. All of that is right, of course. That is what the text is talking about. But it is most significant that in the context of the passage Paul is not talking about spiritual blessings, but rather very material ones, in particular, the obligation of the Christians at Corinth to give generously of their substance to God's work and for the relief of the poor in Jerusalem. In other words, this text, which is so often spoken of spiritually, in an illustrative sense, says, "You should be great in your giving because your model is the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave everything he had for you."

Heart to Heart - Part Five

Heart to Heart
2 Corinthians 7:2-16
Theme: Intimacy.
This week’s lessons teach us that true companionship can only be found in Christianity.


At the very end of 2 Corinthians 8, the fourth thing I notice is that Paul tells the Corinthians how in spite of their sin he boasted about them to Titus and to other people. He must have said to Titus, "These Corinthians are Christians. When they get this letter, the Holy Spirit will work in them. They are far more mature than their behavior is indicating. They are going to repent of their sin and they are going to get back on the right course." At the same time he must have also said, "I sure hope that is an accurate analysis." When Titus returned and the report was good, Paul could say, "See, I was right. God is working in those men and women in Corinth. They are God’s people and they are going to make it. They are going to grow and mature in the Christian life." And Paul, as he tells about that, is not afraid to be vulnerable.

Heart to Heart - Part Four

Heart to Heart
2 Corinthians 7:2-16
Theme: Intimacy.
This week’s lessons teach us that true companionship can only be found in Christianity.


Another time Paul is most open and vulnerable is when he begins to talk about his comfort at the coming of Titus. We know from the earlier chapters that he was troubled on behalf of the Corinthians. He had sent them the first letter, but he did not know how it would be received. He had gone to Macedonia when, at first, Titus was not there. But finally, Titus came to see him. He says that he was comforted in that great period of trouble to have this fellow soldier of Jesus Christ, this companion in his labor, come and bear good tidings.

Heart to Heart - Part Three

Heart to Heart
2 Corinthians 7:2-16
Theme: Intimacy.
This week’s lessons teach us that true companionship can only be found in Christianity.


When Paul writes this letter, he is particularly vulnerable. He is very frank and open as he shares his experiences and feelings with the Corinthians. The keynote of this section is his reference to the word "hearts." In verse 2 he uses "your hearts," and in verse 3 he uses "our hearts." This section is a repetition of what he wrote in the previous chapter, verse 11: "We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you"; then on that basis in verse 13 he says, "...open wide your hearts also." Here, in chapter 7, he says, "Make room for us in your hearts. ...I do not say this to condemn you; I have said before that you have such a place in our hearts that we would live or die with you."

Mortification of Spin Mug

Mortification of Spin Mug

Buy the official mug of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals' bi-weekly podcast, Mortification of Spin!

Enjoy your afternoon tea in this mug depicting John Owen listening to his favorite podcast. The text of Moritification of Spin's official Bible verse is on the reverse.

"If a man's hair falls out from his head, he is bald; he is clean." Leviticus 13:40


Heart to Heart - Part Two

Heart to Heart
2 Corinthians 7:2-16
Theme: Intimacy.
This week’s lessons teach us that true companionship can only be found in Christianity.


Another reason for a failure of intimacy is what is called "low self-esteem" or "low self-image." Now, if men have a problem particularly in the area of the fear of intimacy, I would venture to say that, while it is true of men also, many women in our day especially suffer with low self-image. Perhaps the culture is partially to blame. Today women are told that they can be everything. Now they probably can be, but they cannot be everything at once.

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