Heart to Heart - Part One

Heart to Heart
2 Corinthians 7:2-16
Theme: Intimacy.
This week’s lessons teach us that true companionship can only be found in Christianity.


In this section Paul refers again to what he was discussing in chapters 2 and 6. What distinguishes this section of the book, however, is the exceedingly intimate way he bares his heart to these Christians in the city of Corinth. Intimacy is a very important thing because it is something we all hunger for and yet it is something, unfortunately, we very seldom find.

Biblical Separation -- Part Four

Biblical Separation
2 Corinthians 6:14 - 7:1
Theme: Purity.
This week’s lessons teach us the cost of holiness.


Biblical separation also occurs in matters of business. The principle of intimacy also enters into our workplaces. Say, for example, you work for an insurance company. I do not know how you could practice separation there in a radical way because you have all kinds of people with whom you must interact. You have Christians, those of other faiths, atheists, all together. If you separate there, you will not be able to work. But suppose you want to enter into a partnership with somebody. You will share a business with your partner. Here is the point at which this principle would enter.

Biblical Separation -- Part Three

Biblical Separation
2 Corinthians 6:14 - 7:1
Theme: Purity.
This week’s lessons teach us the cost of holiness.


Separation is to be setting apart unto God. This is really what sanctification is all about. Sanctification is consecration. There are many things that, as a Christian, you will not do and lots of trouble you will not get into, not because you are not capable, but because you will be too busy doing the Lord’s work. You will not even think about such things because you will primarily want to please God. Instead of criticizing others, you will hope for and be glad when they also try to please God. And you will rejoice in all of that together.

Biblical Separation -- Part Two

Biblical Separation
2 Corinthians 6:14 - 7:1
Theme: Purity.
This week’s lessons teach us the cost of holiness.


These matters of the unity of the church should be wrestled through carefully. A congregation must ask the question, "When must a congregation that wants to remain faithful to Scripture separate from a denomination, which, in its judgment, is not being faithful to Scripture?" This question does not concern what individuals are to do. Today people drift around from church to church, never settling down. I think that is a great mistake.

Biblical Separation -- Part One

Biblical Separation
2 Corinthians 6:14  -  7:1
Theme: Purity.
This week’s lessons teach us the cost of holiness.


We come to a section of 2 Corinthians that contains just six verses. This is a portion of the book where Paul breaks away from what he has been saying to deal with what was evidently a problem in his time, as it is now in ours. It is the very great problem of the separation of Christians from the world. There have been more divisions in the church over the debate of this issue than perhaps any other. Whole denominations are based upon this principle of separation.

Commended in Every Way -- Part Five

Commended in Every Way
2 Corinthians 6:3-13
Theme: Commending the Gospel.
This week’s lessons teach us how to endure in all circumstances.


The world pays attention if you are well known. The world listens to those who are not dying, but rather are in the peak of health. The world does not listen to those who are beaten or sorrowful, or poor, but rather to those lifted up in spirit, and rich, and those who appear to have everything. You have to be a ten on a scale of one to ten if you are going to succeed in this world.

Commended in Every Way -- Part Four

Commended in Every Way
2 Corinthians 6:3-13
Theme: Commending the Gospel.
This week’s lessons teach us how to endure in all circumstances.


The second category of things that Paul mentions here in 2 Corinthians has to do with his character. Paul’s list contains purity, understanding, patience, and kindness. Just a few pages further on in the Bible, in the fifth chapter of Galatians, Paul gives another list, this one containing the fruit of the Spirit. The Galatians list includes a number of the traits mentioned here in this letter. In Galatians 5:22-23 Paul wrote, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." In spite of being an aggressive evangelist, and a bit of a feisty man, Paul was characterized by these great fruits of the Spirit.

Commended in Every Way -- Part Three

Commended in Every Way
2 Corinthians 6:3-13
Theme: Commending the Gospel.
This week’s lessons teach us how to endure in all circumstances.


The bulk of this passage in 2 Corinthians deals with how Paul conducted himself in the situations into which his ministry brought him. In chapter 6, verse 4, Paul begins to list what he has experienced during his ministry. Paul's list contains thirty-seven items; the last fourteen are in seven pairs. Paul begins by commending himself in the work of ministry. A key term there is endurance.

Commended in Every Way -- Part Two

Commended in Every Way
2 Corinthians 6:3-13
Theme: Commending the Gospel.
This week’s lessons teach us how to endure in all circumstances.


2 Corinthians 6:1-13 has two parts, one negative and the other positive. The negative portion is shorter. In verse 3 Paul wrote, "We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited." I do not know precisely what Paul had in mind as he wrote that. But I think it is quite possible that Paul, undoubtedly having meditated on the words of our Lord, was thinking of that occasion when Jesus himself spoke about causing someone to stumble. Jesus was thinking of children when he said, "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matt. 18:6).

Commended in Every Way -- Part One

Commended in Every Way
2 Corinthians 6:3-13
Theme: Commending the Gospel.
This week’s lessons teach us how to endure in all circumstances.


Our study of 2 Corinthians brings us to chapter 6, verse 3. Here we find a remarkable passage from the hand of the Apostle Paul describing the nature of his ministry, and the way in which, in all kinds of difficulties and hardships, he conducted himself so as to commend the Gospel to his hearers. It is hard to praise this passage sufficiently. I reflect on it and try to think of anything to which it can be compared.

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