The Secret of Satisfaction

The Secret of Satisfaction

In Spain there is a very old proverb which says, “All laws go the way that kings desire.” Behind that proverb is an interesting story. About the beginning of the twelfth century there was a debate about whether the country's churches were to use Gothic or Roman prayer books in their services. The question eventually came before Alfonso VI, who was king at the time. Alfonso decided to leave the matter to chance, so he threw a copy of both prayer books into a fire declaring that the one that survived the ordeal should be chosen. However, when the Gothic missal survived the blaze, the king immediately threw it back into the fire and chose the Roman liturgies. Thus was the matter decided, and the proverb became popular throughout the country.

Living Sacrifice: Its Motive -- Part Four

Living Sacrifice: Its Motive
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: God’s mercy.
This week’s lessons teach us the nature of God’s mercy and grace to us in Christ Jesus.

In his earlier days Paul was called Saul, and he was a fierce opponent of Christianity. He was a Pharisee, the strictest sect of the Jews, and he was zealous for the traditions of his fathers. This led him to participate in the martyrdom of Stephen, and he followed that by arresting and otherwise persecuting many of the early Christians. Having done what he could in Jerusalem, Saul obtained letters to the leaders of the synagogues in Damascus and went there to arrest any Christians he could find and carry them off to Jerusalem for trial and possible death

Our Standard

There was a day when men were not worried if weights and measures were only approximate. The inch was the measure of the large joint of the king's thumb. The foot was the length of the royal foot and the yard was the distance between the king's nose when he was looking straight front, and the end of his thumb when his arm was extended to the side.

Our Standard

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Battered Pastors (3)

In which I ask some questions of elders...

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Living Sacrifice: Its Motive -- Part Three

Living Sacrifice: Its Motive
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: God’s mercy.
This week’s lessons teach us the nature of God’s mercy and grace to us in Christ Jesus.

Let me give examples to show that mercy presupposes sin. The first is Adam. I would like you to try to put yourself in Adam’s position at the very beginning of human history and imagine how he must have felt when God came to him in the garden after he and Eve had sinned by eating from the forbidden tree. You will remember that God had warned Adam about eating, saying, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die" (Gen. 2:16-17). The Hebrew text actually says, "On the day you eat of it you will die." But Adam and Eve had eaten of it, and now, as told in Genesis 3:9-16, God had come to them to demand an accounting and pronounce judgment.

Our God

An old poem has recently reappeared. Like a hardy perennial it comes up again and again, and the undiscerning will find it good, since they read it through sentiment and not through the Word of God. Richard Watson Gilder wrote:

If Jesus Christ is a man,
And only a man, I say
That of all mankind I cleave to Him,
And to Him I will cleave away.
If Jesus Christ is a God,
And the only God, I swear
I will follow Him through Heaven and hell,
The earth, the sea and the air.

Our God

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

8 Causes of Spiritual Depression

Most of us go through real times of spiritual melancholy in the Christian life. They can be brief or entire seasons in which, as Gisbertus Voeitus said, a person "fails to feel his or her heart's delight in God and divine things." If you have been a Christian for any period of time, you most likely have experienced this reality. In the midst of these times we often struggle to know why this feeling has crept into our hearts. It is good for us to search our hearts in times like this. We must ask the Lord to give us wisdom in identifying the cause--even as we continue to seek Him.

Most of us go through real times of spiritual melancholy in the Christian life. They can be brief or entire seasons in which, as Gisbertus Voeitus said, a person "fails to feel his or her heart's delight in God and divine things." If you have been a Christian for any period of time, you most likely have experienced this reality. In the midst of these times we often struggle to know why this feeling has crept into our hearts. It is good for us to search our hearts in times like this.

Our Providence

The Word of God tells us not that Providence is the Author of all the sinister tragedies that come upon men, but that He is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. We know from the Book of Job that it was Satan who, when he was granted the permission, brought war, lightning, rapine, and the great wind from the wilderness, all of which left a trail of death. We also know that it was Satan who, when he was granted further permission, brought disease upon Job. So, in saying that the Lord Jesus Christ is Providence, we are not charging Him with the ills of mankind.

Our Providence

Worldlings have very strange ideas about Providence. Insurance companies list, under acts of Providence, all the great catastrophes. If a combination of circumstances gives a happy result, men say that the matter is providential.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Final Thoughts on World Vision

I am hoping this will be my final post on the subject of World Vision. But I wanted to mention world vision2.pngjust a few things I think we can learn from the recent broo-ha-ha.

1. Praise the Lord for repentance.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Living Sacrifice: Its Motive -- Part Two

Living Sacrifice: Its Motive
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: God’s mercy.
This week’s lessons teach us the nature of God’s mercy and grace to us in Christ Jesus.

Romans 12:1 is an amazing verse. It is one of those portions of the Bible that is literally packed with meaning, which is why we are devoting two months of study to just this verse and the next. I began by studying the word "therefore," which links the urging in verses 1 and 2 to everything that Paul has already written about in the letter. Next we looked at the idea of "sacrifice," finding that in genuine Christianity we live by dying to self, as strange as that may seem.

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