
The principle of life out of death is the central principle of the Word of God. That our Lord is life, and that He alone has the power of bringing life out of death is the basis of the Christian faith and of our personal salvation. When the Lord was going to judge the earth with the deluge, Noah believed that God could sustain life in the midst of death, and entered the ark, the symbol of that power, in order that he might be carried from the damned creation to the new creation.


The principle of life out of death is the central principle of the Word of God. That our Lord is life, and that He alone has the power of bringing life out of death is the basis of the Christian faith and of our personal salvation.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Piper at Westminster

On March 12 John Piper was the guest lecturer for the 7th annual Gaffin Lectures at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. The title of Dr.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


Evangelical Housekeeping

Several years ago, I noticed a pattern in my life.  First, I'd read or hear about a sketchy theological trend. Maybe it would be a certain high-profile preacher, a new book that's out, or a movement that seems to be threatening to creep into Christian thinking. Whenever this happened, I would think, "No need to worry.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Dying, We Live -- Part Three

Dying, We Live
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: Sacrifice.
This week’s lessons remind us that the path to eternal life begins with the cross.

Redemption from sin by Christ is not the only doctrine on which the Christian life of self-sacrifice is built. A second doctrine is our having died to the past by having become new creatures in Christ, if we are truly converted. We studied this teaching in Romans 6 where Paul argued, much as he is going to do in Romans 12, that because we have "died to sin" we are unable to "live in it any longer" (v. 2). Therefore, instead of offering the parts of our bodies "to sin, as instruments of wickedness," as we used to do, we must instead offer ourselves "to God, as those who have been brought from death to life" and the parts of our bodies "to him as instruments of righteousness" (v. 13).

Friendship and the Gospel

I am learning the greatness of the gift of friends that God has placed in my life. He has graciously given them and continues to use them to comfort me in loss, to reprove me when I’m going astray, to counsel me when unsure of the way to go, to gladden my heart when I am sad, to encourage me in the way of the Lord and to pray for me when I am need. In my eyes, they seem to love me at all times and seem to stick closer than a brother; but their love for me is only a small reflection of the love of an even greater Friend and Brother, Jesus Christ.

I am humbled by the fact that my Heavenly Father has given me friendships to enjoy, that he has created me with the capacity to love and be loved by others, that He has not called me to walk on this journey to heaven alone and that through these friendships He has provided strength, unity, and protection for me. The words of Ecclesiastes 4:12 prove true in this regard: “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken."

Atonement or Crime?

The New York papers on a Monday morning after Palm Sunday carried a report of a sermon by a well-known minister. The headline over the sermon report stated that the noted minister viewed the "Crucifixion as Greatest Crime," and the article carried on the thought by saying that the preacher had declared that Christianity was the only religion which began with the martyrdom of its founder. This, of course, is absolutely false.

Atonement or Crime?

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Dying, We Live -- Part Two

Dying, We Live
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: Sacrifice.
This week’s lessons remind us that the path to eternal life begins with the cross.

The principle of sacrifice is so foundational to the doctrine of the Christian life that we must be very careful to lay it out correctly, and in order to do that we need to review the foundations for this foundation. The first foundation of this foundational teaching is that we are not our own but rather belong to Jesus, if we are truly Christians. Here is the way Paul puts it in 1 Corinthians: "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price" (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

The Holy Spirit and You Study Guide

This study guide accompanies the DVD set titled The Holy Spirit and You

Secondary Tab
James Boice and Larry Sibley

False Dilemmas in Gospel Ministry

Sometimes Gospel ministers tie themselves up in knots for no good reason. We sometimes create false dilemmas. We unnecessarily pit one truth against another. We don’t slow down and consider that two or more things may be true and complementary--in tension, but not in opposition. A famous example of this is the relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. Properly (i.e. biblically) understood, both are absolutely true and taught in the pages of Scripture.

Sometimes Gospel ministers tie themselves up in knots for no good reason. We sometimes create false dilemmas. We unnecessarily pit one truth against another. We don’t slow down and consider that two or more things may be true and complementary--in tension, but not in opposition. A famous example of this is the relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. Properly (i.e. biblically) understood, both are absolutely true and taught in the pages of Scripture. 

Don't settle for silly books

Given the topic of the latest Mortification of Spin I thought I'd pass along a few recommendations.

For some reason many of the junk books that populate the Christian market are targeted to women. So I'm calling for a holy rebellion against bad, sentimental, mystical, and otherwise silly books for women. I'm not saying we need to all begin with the collected works of John Owen. However there are some very helpful volumes to get you started.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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