His Sovereignty

With God nothing is impossible. When our hearts lay hold on that fact and feed on it until our souls have absorbed it, we will know a great personal blessing. The hymn writers of the centuries have found this to be true, and have given us a series of word combinations that are unique in our language. They show how souls in search of spiritual food have found all- sufficient supply in the Lord and His grace.

His Sovereignty

With God nothing is impossible. When our hearts lay hold on that fact and feed on it until our souls have absorbed it, we will know a great personal blessing.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Baptist 21 on Elevation Church

I have shared my concerns about the practices of Pastor Steven Furtick and Elevation Church previously on this blog. I have done this out of a deep concern for the peace and purity of the church and the integrity of the office of pastor. One of my questions has been whether the Southern Baptist Convention (the denomination to which Elevation Church belongs) has anything to say on the issue.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.


What I Learned from the Youngest Person in the Room

I had the honor of being the guest speaker at a women's retreat last weekend. Given the setting of the retreat, and the four different sessions blocked out for me to speak, I incorporated about a half hour or so after every presentation to break into small groups and answer discussion questions. I actually prefer this sort of interaction over the time that I am standing at a podium talking.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

How Should We Then Live? - Part Two

How Should We Then Live?
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: Obedience.
In this week’s lessons Dr. Boice teaches us how to live godly lives in an ungodly world.

In presidential elections, we often hear a lot about "family values." I believe in family values. But an appeal to "family values" without a corresponding acknowledgment of God’s existence, God’s law, and the biblical revelation as a basis for them will always have a hollow ring and sound purely political and manipulative.

His Responsibility

Remind God of His entire responsibility. This is the advice of a devotional writer in commenting on the cry of Asa (2 Chron. 14:11 ASV), "Lord, there is none beside thee to help." There are things that God must do, simply because we cannot do them ourselves. That is why our security, day by day, must come from God. "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you. . . having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" (Gal. 3:1, 3).

His Responsibility

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

How Should We Then Live? - Part One

How Should We Then Live?
Romans 12:1-2
Theme: Obedience.
In this week’s lessons Dr. Boice teaches us how to live godly lives in an ungodly world.

Chapter 12 and following of Paul’s letter to the Romans are very likely the most practical section of the book. Ours is a practical age and most people want "practical" teaching. But to call these chapters practical suggests that the earlier doctrinal sections of Romans are not practical, and whenever we find ourselves thinking along those lines, we are making a mistake and contributing to great misunderstanding.

5 Reasons Why You Should Read Jonathan Edwards

I often wonder how men like Calvin, Owen, and JE did what they did without programs like Accordance or Logos! Their encyclopedic knowledge of and facility with the Bible is staggering to me. Owen’s assessment of the Bibline bleeding Bunyan, was just as true of Edwards.

A few years ago, I allowed a friend to talk me into running in a 5k. (Now, I realize some of you are snickering even as you proudly remind yourself of that 26.2 sticker on your back windshield; but, prior to that, all I had ever run was my mouth! So, if you mighty marathoners can humor a mere mortal for a moment, I will proceed.) The day of the race, I warmed up and stretched with a myriad of participants. Most of them appeared to be experienced runners.

Christ With Us Always -- Part Five

Christ with Us Always
Matthew 28:18-20
Theme: All authority.
This week’s lessons remind us that Christ’s presence is what gives power to evangelism.


Today's Christians need to articulate these great biblical doctrines afresh, not just adopt the theology of our culture. We need to speak of the depravity of man, of man in rebellion against God, so much so that there is no hope for him or her apart from God's grace. We need to speak of God's electing love, showing that God enters the life of the individual in grace by his Holy Spirit to quicken understanding and draw the rebellious will to himself. We must speak of perseverance, that God is able to keep and does keep those whom he so draws. All these doctrines and the supporting doctrines that go with them need to be proclaimed.

Old John

Years ago in Scotland a simple fisherman was bound by strong drink; on too frequent occasions he took the money from his catch and spent it on liquor while his wife and children suffered miserably. They lived in a little hovel off at the end of the fishing village, out of sight of most of the villagers. But one day there came a great change. Old John, as he was called, came to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. There was an immediate transformation. He brought his full money home and gave it to his astonished wife. He worked more steadily, and soon they had more money than they had had in years.

Old John

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Battered Pastors (1)

A little more than a year ago I read Handbook for Battered Leaders. It was written by apostle paul.gifhusband and wife Wesley Balda and Janis Bragan Balda.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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